NOTE!Some of the harmonic currents might disturb communi-cation equipment connected to the same transformer orcause resonance in connection with power-factorcorrection batteries.To ensure low harmonic currents, the adjustable frequencydrive is standard-equipped with intermediate circuit coils.This normally reduces the input current I RMS by 40%.The voltage distortion on the line power supply voltagedepends on the size of the harmonic currents multipliedby the line power impedance for the frequency inquestion. The total voltage distortion THD is calculated onthe basis of the individual voltage harmonics using thisformula:THD % =U 25 +U 27 + ... +U 2N(UN% of U)7.3.1 Harmonics Emission RequirementsEquipment connected to the public supply network:Options Definition1 IEC/EN 61000-3-2 Class A for 3-phase balancedequipment (for professional equipment only up to1.5 hp [1 kW] total power).2 IEC/EN 61000-3-12 Equipment 16A-75A and profes-sional equipment as from 1.5 hp [1 kW] up to 16Aphase current.Table Harmonics Test Results (Emission)Power sizes from 1 hp [0.75 kW] and up to 25 hp [18.5 kW]in 200 V and up to 125 hp [90 kW] in 460 V complies withIEC/EN 61000-3-12, Table 4. Power sizes 150–600 hp [110–450 kW] in 460 V also complies with IEC/EN 61000-3-12even though not required because currents are above 75A.Provided that the short-circuit power of the supply S sc isgreater than or equal to:S SC = 3 ×RSCE ×U line power ×I equ =3 × 120 × 400 ×I equat the interface point between the user’s supply and thepublic system (Rsce ).It is the responsibility of the installer or user of theequipment to ensure, by consultation with the distributionnetwork operator if necessary, that the equipment isconnected only to a supply with a short-circuit power Sscgreater than or equal to that specified above.Other power sizes can be connected to the public supplynetwork by consultation with the distribution networkoperator.Compliance with various system level guidelines:The harmonic current data in the table are given inaccordance with IEC/EN61000-3-12 with reference to thePower Drive Systems product standard. They may be usedas the basis for calculation of the harmonic currents'influence on the power supply system and for thedocumentation of compliance with relevant regionalguidelines: IEEE 519 -1992; G5/4.7.4 Galvanic Isolation (PELV)7.4.1 PELV - Protective Extra Low VoltagePELV offers protection by way of extra low voltage.Protection against electric shock is ensured when theelectrical supply is of the PELV type and the installation ismade as described in local/national regulations on PELVsupplies.All control terminals and relay terminals 01-03/04-06comply with PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage) (Does notapply to grounded Delta leg above 400 V).Galvanic (ensured) isolation is obtained by fulfillingrequirements for higher isolation and by providing therelevant creapage/clearance distances. These requirementsare described in the EN 61800-5-1 standard.The components that make up the electrical isolation, asdescribed below, also comply with the requirements forhigher isolation and the relevant test as described in EN61800-5-1.The PELV galvanic isolation can be shown in six locations(see Figure 7.3):In order to maintain PELV, all connections made to thecontrol terminals must be PELV. For example, thethermistor must be reinforced/double insulated.1. Power supply (SMPS) incl. signal isolation of UDC ,indicating the intermediate current voltage.2. Gate drive that runs the IGBTs (triggertransformers/opto-couplers).Installation Consideration AF-600 FP Design and Installation Guide7-6 DET-768A77