– 69 –Service Test ModeRemove any trays (metal or glass) from the ovenbefore starting the diagnostic mode and make surethat the door is closed. Removing the trays will allowyou to see the operation of the Turntable Motorand the lower ceramic heater. Closing the door willmake sure that all loads (i.e. the halogen lamps andmagnetron) can be energized. Note that all safetycomponents remain active in the service mode.To start the service/diagnostics mode press theSPEED COOK pad and the KNOB for 3 seconds. Toexit the service/diagnostics mode press the CLEAR/OFF key.Upon entering into Field Service Mode, SERVICEMODE Push Dial to begin is displayed.The control will then proceed to service mode.1. The control shall turn on upper halogen lamps(center) for 3.5 seconds.2. The control shall turn on upper halogen lamps(exterior) for 3.5 seconds.3. The control shall turn on lower ceramic heaterfor 15 seconds.4. The control shall turn on turntable and ovenlight 5.0 seconds.5. The control shall turn on Damper Motor for 15seconds.6. The control shall turn on circulation fan andConvection Heater for 15 seconds.7. The control shall turn on Magnetron andMagnetron fan for 10 seconds.• Once in the diagnostics cycle, control will startsequentially turning on loads/elements andadvancing to the next step each time the dial ispressed or the “step” time has elapsed.• Before advancing to the next step the currentloads/components are turned off.• If CLEAR/OFF is pressed at any time duringservice mode, the control shall exit service modeand return to normal operation.SERVICE MODESERVICE MODECOMPLETECOMPLETEPress dial to re-runPress dial to re-runPress Clear to terminatePress Clear to terminateSERVICE MODESERVICE MODEPush Dial to beginPush Dial to begin8. The control shall turn on the vent fan motor atthe HIGH for 5 seconds.9. The control shall turn on the vent fan motor atthe MEDIUM for 5 seconds.10. The control shall turn on the vent fan motor atthe LOW setting for 5 seconds.11. The control shall turn on the surface light at theHIGH setting for 5 seconds.12. The control shall turn on the surface light at theLOW (night light) setting for 5 seconds.After service mode is completed, the control willdisplay SERVICE MODE COMPLETE. Press dial to re-run. Press CLEAR/OFF to terminate.If the dial press is detected the Service Mode isrestarted from the beginning. If Clear is detected a2-short beep signal is sounded, the Service Mode isterminated and the Clock/Idle state returns.