4-44 D60 LINE DISTANCE PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFLEXLOGIC DESIGN AND MONITORING USING ENGINEER CHAPTER 4: INTERFACES4Figure 4-47: Search function4.4.1.10 Exclude sheet from compileWhile designing the FlexLogic equations, entire sheets can be removed from the compile logic. This allows the user to testvarious schemes by placing schemes on separate sheets and including either sheet at compile time.To exclude a sheet:1. In the Logic Designer window, right-click the tab and select the Exclude from Compile option so that the check markdisplays. When sheets are excluded, a message displays with each compile that "excluded sheets will not be reflectedin the RPN." An excluded sheet is denoted with end brackets, similar to < Sheet 1 >.Figure 4-48: Excluding a tab from compilingFigure 4-49: Tab excluded from compiling4.4.2 Send file to and from deviceWith the logic diagram created, compiled, and errors eliminated, the FlexLogic can be sent to a live device. And,conversely, a file from a live device can be added to the Offline Window area for additional work.To send a file to a device:1. In the Offline Window area of the software, right-click the device name and select the Write Settings to Device option.A prompt can appear that the URS file has been repaired; acknowledge the message.2. When a window opens, select the device to which you want to send the file, then click the Send button and confirm.The order codes must match. The file is sent to the live device. Any errors can be viewed in the log file at the prompt.You can also select an element from the drop-down list on the tool bar. It is then highlighted in the logic diagram.