Troubleshooting10-11Advanced impedance respiration troubleshootingAdvanced SpO2 troubleshootingSymptom Possible cause and solutionRespiration measurementfails• Check the electrode quality and positioning.• Adjust the detection limits. During ventilator-supported breathing, therespiration calculation may count only ventilator-produced inspirationsand expirations.• Other electrical devices may interfere with the measurement.Why does the waveformhave a combination ofshallow and deep breaths,but the monitor is notdetecting the shallowbreaths?If the detection sensitivity threshold is set too high, shallow breaths will not bedetected.• Decrease the detection limit percentage until the markers correctlyidentify each inspiration and expiration or set to AutoNOTE: Respiration detection is not dependent on the size of the waveform.Size is for visual purposes only.Why is the monitordetecting cardiac artifactas breaths?The breath detection threshold is too low• Increase the detection sensitivity percentage until the markers correctlyidentify each inspiration and expiration.Symptom Possible cause and solutionSpO 2 signal is poor • Check the sensor and sensor positioning.• Change the averaging time from slow to normal.• Note that skin pigment causes differences.• Make sure that the patient is not shivering.Why does the pulseoximeter sometimes readdifferently than a bloodgas analyzer?Blood gas analyzers calculate the O2 saturation based on normal values forpH, PaCO2, Hb, temperature, etc. (i.e., a normal oxyhemoglobin dissociationcurve). Depending on the patient’s physiologic and metabolic status, thiscurve and all values may be shifted away from “normal.” Thus the oximeter,which measures O2 saturation, may not agree with the blood gas.What effect can ambientlight have on pulseoximetry monitoring?Light sources such as surgical lamps, bilirubin lamps, fluorescent lights,infrared heating lamps, and sunlight can cause poor waveform quality andinaccurate readings. Error messages are possible. Shielding the sensor withopaque tape, the posey wrap, or other dark or opaque material can increaseoximetry accuracy, verified by good waveform and signal strength.