10 49-2000254 Rev. 0Settings (Cont.)USING THE OVEN: Special FeaturesClockThis setting sets the oven clock time. Press the Settingspad and select Clock. Select Set Clock and follow theinstructions to set the clock. This feature also specifieshow the time of day will be displayed. You can select astandard 12-hour clock (12H), 24-hour military time display(24H), or no clock displayed (Off). Press the Settings pad,select Set Clock and select either 12/24 hr or On/Off.Auto Conv (Auto Conversion):KHQXVLQJ&RQYHFWLRQ%DNHFRRNLQJ$XWR5HFLSHConversion will automatically convert the regular bakingtemperatures entered to convection bake cookingWHPSHUDWXUHVZKHQWXUQHGRQ1RWHWKDWWKLVRSWLRQdoes not convert convection bake cooking times, it onlyconverts temperatures. This feature may be turned on oroff. Select Settings and Auto Conversion then followthe prompts to turn this feature on or off.Auto OffThis feature shuts the oven down after 12 hours ofFRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQ,WPD\EHHQDEOHGRUGLVDEOHGSelect Settings and Auto Off to turn this feature on or off.SoundYou can adjust the volume and type of alert yourappliance uses. Select Settings and Sound. Followprompts for making volume adjustments or for changingbetween continuous and single alert tones. A continuoussetting will continue to sound a tone until a button onthe control is pressed. The oven tone volume can beadjusted. The control will sound the oven tone at the newvolume level each time the sound level is changed.F/C (Fahrenheit or Celsius)The oven control is set to use Fahrenheit temperatures(F), but you can change it to use Celsius temperatures(C). Select Settings and F/C to alter betweentemperature scales displayed.Adjust the Oven temperatureThis feature allows the oven baking and convectionbaking temperature to be adjusted up to 35ºF hotterRUGRZQWR)FRROHU8VHWKLVIHDWXUHLI\RXEHOLHYHyour oven temperature is too hot or too cold and wish toFKDQJHLW7KLVDGMXVWPHQWDIIHFWV%DNHDQG&RQYHFWLRQ%DNHPRGHV1RRWKHUFRRNLQJPRGHVDUHDIIHFWHGSelect Settings and Oven Adjust to add More Heator Less Heat and then press Save (for double ovensXVHWKH8SSHU2YHQRU/RZHU2YHQPHQXVHOHFWLRQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHRYHQWREHDGMXVWHG 'RQRWXVHthermometers, such as those found in grocery stores,to check the temperature setting of your oven. Thesethermometers may vary 20-40 degrees.Oven InfoSelect Settings and Oven Info to display the Model1XPEHUDQG6RIWZDUH9HUVLRQSabbathSabbath mode disables the oven lights (the oven lightwill not turn on when the door is opened), all sounds(the control will not beep when a button is pressed),&RQYHFWLRQ%URLO:DUP3URRI&RRN7LPH7LPHU&ORFNDQG'HOD\7LPHIXQFWLRQV6DEEDWKPRGHFDQRQO\EHXVHGZLWK%DNH7KLVIHDWXUHFRQIRUPVWRWKH6WDU.-HZLVK6DEEDWKUHTXLUHPHQWVTo use Sabbath mode, press Settings, select Sabbath,and select Turn Sabbath On. A ] will appear in thedisplay and the clock will not display.1RWHWKDWLI\RXKDYHDGRXEOHZDOORYHQZKHQ\RXplace the control into Sabbath mode, both ovens arenow in Sabbath mode and available for cooking.Once in Sabbath mode, at any time you can press Bake,use the number pads to enter a temperature between170F and 550F, and press Start1RVRXQGZLOOEHJLYHQwhen the keys are pressed. At a random time between30 seconds and 1 minute, ][, will appear in the displayindicating the oven is running.1RWHWKDWERWKRYHQVRIDGRXEOHZDOORYHQFDQEHused in Sabbath mode. Each oven can be programmedto a different temperature and each oven must beprogrammed separately.,I\RXQHHGWRDGMXVWWKHWHPSHUDWXUHSUHVVBake, usethe number pads to enter a new temperature between170F and 550F, and press Start.To turn the oven off, press Cancel/Off at any time. Theoven will immediately turn off and ][ will change to ]indicating that the oven has turned off.1RWHWKDWHDFKRYHQRIDGRXEOHZDOORYHQPXVWEHturned off separately.To exit Sabbath mode, make sure that the oven is turnedoff. Press and hold the Settings pad to turn Sabbathmode off.NOTE:,ISRZHURXWDJHRFFXUVGXULQJ6DEEDWKPRGHWKHunit will remain in Sabbath mode but off when power isrestored.,I\RXZLVKWRXVHWKH&RRN7LPHIHDWXUHWREDNHLQWKHoven and then have the oven automatically turn off, youwill need to press the Cook Time pad, enter a cookingtime duration, and press Start. Then enter specialfeatures to start Sabbath mode as detailed above.