4 49-2000254 Rev. 0SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONSWARNING IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE, TAKE THE FOLLOWINGSTEPS TO PREVENT INJURY AND FIRE SPREADINGŶ 'RQRWXVHZDWHURQJUHDVHILUHV1HYHUSLFNXSDflaming pan.Ŷ ,IWKHUHLVDILUHLQWKHRYHQGXULQJEDNLQJVPRWKHUthe fire by closing the oven door and turning theoven off or by using a multi-purpose dry chemical orfoam-type fire extinguisher.Ŷ ,IWKHUHLVDILUHLQWKHRYHQGXULQJVHOIFOHDQWXUQthe oven off and wait for the fire to go out. 'RQRWforce the door open,QWURGXFWLRQRIIUHVKDLUDWself-clean temperatures may lead to a burst of flamefrom the oven. Failure to follow this instruction mayresult in severe burns.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONREAD ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCEWARNING OVEN SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSŶ 6WDQGDZD\IURPWKHRYHQZKHQRSHQLQJWKHRYHQdoor. Hot air or steam which escapes can causeburns to hands, face and/or eyes.Ŷ .HHSWKHRYHQYHQWXQREVWUXFWHGŶ .HHSWKHRYHQIUHHIURPJUHDVHEXLOGXS*UHDVHLQthe oven may ignite.Ŷ 3ODFHRYHQUDFNVLQGHVLUHGORFDWLRQZKLOHRYHQLVFRRO,IUDFNPXVWEHPRYHGZKLOHRYHQLVKRWGRQRWlet pot holder contact hot heating element in oven.Ŷ :KHQXVLQJFRRNLQJRUURDVWLQJEDJVLQWKHRYHQfollow the manufacturer’s directions.Ŷ 3XOOLQJRXWWKHVWDQGDUGUDFNVWRWKHLUVWRSORFNVor the extension rack to its fully open position isDFRQYHQLHQFHLQOLIWLQJKHDY\IRRGV,WLVDOVRDprecaution against burns from touching hot surfacesof the door or oven walls.Ŷ 'RQRWOHDYHLWHPVVXFKDVSDSHUFRRNLQJXWHQVLOVRUIRRGLQWKHRYHQZKHQQRWLQXVH,WHPVVWRUHGLQan oven can ignite.Ŷ 1HYHUSODFHFRRNLQJXWHQVLOVSL]]DRUEDNLQJVWRQHVor any type of foil or liner on the oven floor. Theseitems can trap heat or melt, resulting in damage tothe product and risk of shock, smoke or fire.WARNING SELF-CLEANING OVEN SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSThe self-cleaning feature operates the oven at temperatures high enough to burn away food soils in the oven.Follow these instructions for safe operation.Ŷ 'RQRWWRXFKRYHQVXUIDFHVGXULQJVHOIFOHDQRSHUDWLRQ.HHSFKLOGUHQDZD\IURPWKHRYHQGXULQJself-cleaning. Failure to follow these instructionsmay cause burns.Ŷ %HIRUHVHOIFOHDQLQJWKHRYHQUHPRYHVKLQ\VLOYHUcolored oven racks (on some models), the probe,any aluminum foil, and any broiler pan, grid, andother cookware. Only porcelain coated oven racksmay be left in the oven.Ŷ %HIRUHRSHUDWLQJWKHVHOIFOHDQF\FOHZLSHJUHDVHand food soils from the oven. Excessive amountof grease may ignite, leading to smoke damage toyour home.