14 49-2000254 Rev. 0Cooking ModesUSING THE OVEN: Cooking ModesYour new oven has a variety of cooking modes to help you get the best results. These modes are described below.Refer to the Cooking Guide section for recommendations for specific foods. Remember, your new oven may performdifferently than the oven it is replacing.Baking and Roasting ModesSelect a mode for baking and roasting based on thetype and quantity of food you are preparing. Whenpreparing baked goods such as cakes, cookies, andpastries always preheat the oven first. Follow recipeUHFRPPHQGDWLRQVIRUIRRGSODFHPHQW,IQRJXLGHOLQHVare provided, center food in the oven.Traditional BakeThe traditional bake mode is intended for single rackcooking. This mode uses heat primarily from the lowerelement but also from the upper element to cookfood. To use this mode press the Bake pad, entera temperature, and then press Start. Preheating isgenerally recommended when using this mode.Convection Bake (upper only on doubleoven models)7KH&RQYHFWLRQ%DNHPRGHLVLQWHQGHGIRUEDNLQJRQmultiple racks at the same time. This mode uses heatprimarily from the rear element but also heat from theupper and lower elements, along with air movementfrom the convection fan to enhance cooking evenness.Your oven is equipped with Auto Recipe Conversion,so it is not necessary to convert the temperature whenXVLQJWKLVPRGH%DNLQJWLPHPLJKWEHVOLJKWO\ORQJHUIRUmultiple racks than what would be expected for a singlerack. To use this mode press the Convection pad, thenselect Convection Bake, enter a temperature, and thenpress Start. Always preheat when using this mode.Convection Roast (upper only on doubleoven models)The Convection Roast mode is intended for roastingwhole cuts of meat on a single rack. This mode usesheat from the lower, upper, and rear elements alongwith air movement from the convection fan to improveEURZQLQJDQGUHGXFHFRRNLQJWLPH,WLVQRWQHFHVVDU\WRconvert temperature. Check food earlier than the recipesuggested time when using this mode or use a meatprobe. To use this mode press the Convection pad,then select Convection Roast, enter a temperature, andthen press Start,WLVQRWQHFHVVDU\WRSUHKHDWZKHQusing this mode.Broiling ModesAlways broil with the door closed. The broil element inthis oven is very powerful. Monitor food closely whileEURLOLQJ8VHFDXWLRQZKHQEURLOLQJRQXSSHUUDFNpositions as placing food closer to the broil elementincreases smoking, spattering, and the possibility of fatsigniting. For best performance center food below the broilheating element. Broiling on rack position 6, in singleand lower cavities, is not recommended.Try broiling foods that you would normally grill. Adjustrack positions to adjust the intensity of the heat to thefood. Place foods closer to the broil element when aseared surface and rare interior is desired. Thicker foodsand foods that need to be cooked through should bebroiled on a rack position farther from the broiler or byXVLQJ%URLO/RBroil Hi7KH%URLO+LPRGHXVHVLQWHQVHKHDWIURPWKHXSSHUHOHPHQWWRVHDUIRRGV8VH%URLO+LIRUWKLQQHUFXWVRImeat and/or foods you prefer less done on the interior.To use this mode press the Broil pad, then select HiBroil, and press Start,WLVQRWQHFHVVDU\WRSUHKHDWwhen using this mode.Broil Lo7KH%URLO/RPRGHXVHVOHVVLQWHQVHKHDWIURPWKHXSSHUelement to cook food thoroughly while also producingVXUIDFHEURZQLQJ8VH%URLO/RIRUWKLFNHUFXWVRIPHDWand/or foods that you would like cooked all the waythrough. To use this mode press the Broil pad, thenselect Lo Broil, and press Start,WLVQRWQHFHVVDU\WRpreheat when using this mode.ProofProof mode is designed for rising (fermenting andSURRILQJ EUHDGGRXJKV,QVRPHPRGHOV3URRILVIRXQGby selecting Options. Press Proof and then press Start.&RYHUGRXJKZHOOWRSUHYHQWGU\LQJRXW%UHDGZLOOULVHPRUHUDSLGO\WKDQDWURRPWHPSHUDWXUH1RWHWKDWIRUdouble wall ovens, proof can not be run when running aclean mode in the lower oven.WarmWarm mode is designed to keep hot foods hot for up toKRXUV,QVRPHPRGHOV:DUPLVIRXQGE\VHOHFWLQJOptions. Press Warm and then press Start. Coverfoods that need to remain moist and do not cover foodsWKDWVKRXOGEHFULVS3UHKHDWLQJLVQRWUHTXLUHG'RQRWuse warm to heat cold food other than crisping crackers,FKLSVRUGU\FHUHDO,WLVDOVRUHFRPPHQGHGWKDWIRRGQRWbe kept warm for more than 2 hours.