CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS SYSTEM SETUPL30 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-1475Figure 5-72: Logical nodes supported in each logical deviceThe following is a summary of LNs that are in each Logical Device (LD2 through LD7):• PxxxMMXU1 ClcMth = P-Class (Note Vaux is mapped to Vneut of MMXU)• PxxxMSQI1 ClcMth = P-CLASS• MxxMMXU1 ClcMth = M-Class (Note Vaux is mapped to Vneut of MMXU)• MxxMSQI1 ClcMth = M-CLASS• NxxMMXU1 ClcMth = M-Class (Note Vaux is mapped to Vneut of MMXU)• NxxMSQI1 ClcMth = M-CLASS• GGIO1, which contains 16 digital status indication points and 16 analog points. The Analog GGIO values are selectablefrom any FlexAnalog value in the UR.When the first PMU from any LD is mapped into an aggregator, the aggregator inherits the Sample Rate (SmpRate) andIEEE C37.118 Class (P or M) of that PMU. The value of the SmpRate DO in the Report Control Block is set based on the valueof the Sample Rate in the PMU. The Class of the Dataset are mapped into the MSVID of the Dataset (see text that follows forthe overall name of the MSVID). If other PMUs are mapped into the same aggregator with different Sample Rates or fromdifferent classes, then a Self-Test error (DatSetErr) is set and dataset transmission is blocked.A setting value — MSVID — is created with a maximum input range of 56 characters (=64 less 6 for the IDCode less 2 for theClass).The value of MSVID in the dataset is a concatenation of the aggregator IDCode and the MSVID setting value in the format:MSVID-AggregatorIDCode-CLASS where CLASS is P, M, or N (for None) – depending on the Class of the first PMU included inthe Aggregator.The Synchro Logical Nodes in an LD report at the same rate as set in the PMUn Basic Configuration setting. This isreflected in the instantiation of the Data Object – SmpRate in the msvcb## of LLN0 in the LD1. SmpRate is a ReadOnly Integer Status (INS).Synchrophasor Rectangular Format and Integer data types are NOT supported in IEC 61850-90-5 (only supportedwith IEEE C37.118) and not to set — GGIO1 that contains 16 digital status indication points — aggregated as a 16 bitbitstring and 16 analog points. The Analog GGIO values are selectable from any FlexAnalog value in the UR. Forfirmware versions 7.0 and later, the description fields for the phasors, analog, and digital channels are populatedwith the 16 character name field provided within the Basic Configuration menu. Additionally, the names of the 16binary points are implemented as numbered descriptions — d1, d2, d3, and so on. The number of descriptions areequal to the number of bits configured in the 16 bit digital status word.All bitstrings less than or equal to 32 bits in length map into a 32 bit bitstring in an IEC 61850-90-5 dataset.The Value of the Nominal Frequency of the chassis is instantiated as a DO in LPHD of LD1. The value is namedHzNom and is an Integer Status (INS).