5-158 L30 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Figure 5-78: Voltage trigger logic5.5.8.15 Current triggeringSETTINGS SYSTEM SETUP PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT PHASOR MEASUREMENT UNIT 1 PMU 1TRIGGERING PMU 1 CURRENT TRIGGERThis element responds to elevated current. The trigger responds to the phase current signal of the Phasor MeasurementUnit (PMU) source. All current channel (A, B, and C) are processed independently and can trigger the recorder.PMU 1 CURR TRIGGER PICKUP — Specifies the pickup threshold for the overcurrent trigger, in per unit of the PMU source. Avalue of 1 pu is a nominal primary current. The comparator applies a 3% hysteresis.PMU 1 CURR TRIGGER PKP TIME — Use to filter out spurious conditions and avoid unnecessary triggering of the recorder.PMU 1 CURR TRIGGER DPO TIME — Use to extend the trigger after the situation returns to normal. This setting is ofimportance when using the recorder in the forced mode (recording as long as the triggering condition is asserted).Figure 5-79: Current trigger logic PMU 1 CURRENT TRIGGER PMU 1 CURR TRIGGERFUNCTION: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled PMU 1 CURR TRIGGERPICKUP: 1.800 puRange: 0.100 to 30.000 pu in steps of 0.001 PMU 1 CURR TRIGGERPKP TIME: 0.10 sRange: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 CURR TRIGGERDPO TIME: 1.00 sRange: 0.00 to 600.00 s in steps of 0.01 PMU 1 CURR TRIG BLK:OffRange: FlexLogic operand PMU 1 CURR TRIGGERTARGET: Self-resetRange: Self-reset, Latched, Disabled PMU 1 CURR TRIGGEREVENTS: DisabledRange: Enabled, Disabled