5-152 L30 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSYSTEM SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5PMU 1 NETWORK REPORTING STYLE — This setting selects between reporting synchrophasors in rectangular (real andimaginary) or in polar (magnitude and angle) coordinates. This setting complies with bit-0 of the FORMAT field of theC37.118 configuration frame.PMU 1 RATE — This setting specifies the reporting rate for the network (Ethernet) port. This value applies to all PMU streamsof the device that are assigned to transmit over this aggregator. For a system frequency of 60 Hz (50 Hz), the L30 generatesa reporting mismatch message if the selected rate is not set as 10 Hz, 12 Hz, 15 Hz, 20 Hz, 30 Hz, 60 Hz, or 120 Hz (or 10 Hz,25 Hz, 50 Hz, or 100 Hz when the system frequency is 50 Hz) when entered via the keypad or software; and the L30 stopsthe transmission of reports. Note that 4 Hz is not allowed for an M-class 50 Hz system.PMU 1 f & df/dt FILTER — This setting allows applying post-filtering to the frequency and rate-of-change of-frequency toavoid reporting erroneous values, which can possibly happen during fault, switching, and other system disturbances. Forexample, choosing 20Hz/s <10Hz setting ensures that if rate-of-change of-frequency between current reporting instanceand previous one exceeds 20Hz/s or frequency deviation from the nominal frequency exceeds 10Hz, then new frequencyand rate-of-change of-frequency value are invalidated. If this happens, the previous valid value of the frequency ismaintained and rate-of-change of-frequency value is forced to 0 at this reporting instance.PMU 1 PHS-1 to PMU 1 PHS-14 — These settings specify synchrophasors to be transmitted from the superset of allsynchronized measurements. The table outlines available synchrophasor values.Table 5-18: Synchrophaser settingsThese settings allow for optimizing the frame size and maximizing transmission channel usage, depending on a givenapplication. Select “Off” to suppress transmission of a given value.PMU 1 PHS-1 NM to PMU 1 PHS-14 NM — These settings allow for custom naming of the synchrophasor channels. Sixteen-character ASCII strings are allowed as in the CHNAM field of the configuration frame. These names are typically based onstation, bus, or breaker names.PMU 1 A-CH-1 to PMU 1 A-CH-16 — These settings specify any analog data measured by the relay to be included as a user-selectable analog channel of the data frame. Up to eight analog channels can be configured to send any FlexAnalog valuefrom the relay. Examples include frequency, rate of frequency change, active and reactive power, per phase or three-phasepower, power factor, temperature via RTD inputs, and THD. The configured analog values are sampled concurrently withthe synchrophasor instant and sent as 32-bit floating-point values scaled to Engineering units.PMU 1 A-CH-1 NM to PMU 1 A-CH-16 NM — These settings allow for custom naming of the analog channels. Sixteen-characterASCII strings are allowed as in the CHNAM field of the configuration frame.PMU 1 D-CH-1 to PMU 1 D-CH-16 — These settings specify any digital flag measured by the relay to be included as a user-selectable digital channel of the data frame. Up to 16 digital channels can be configured to send any FlexLogic operandfrom the relay. The configured digital flags are sampled concurrently with the synchrophasor instant. These values aremapped into a two-byte integer number, with byte 1 LSB corresponding to the digital channel 1 and byte 2 MSBcorresponding to digital channel 16.Selection MeaningVa First voltage channel, either Va or VabVb Second voltage channel, either Vb or VbcVc Third voltage channel, either Vc or VcaVx Fourth voltage channelIa Phase A current, physical channel or summation as per the source settingsIb Phase B current, physical channel or summation as per the source settingsIc Phase C current, physical channel or summation as per the source settingsIg Fourth current channel, physical or summation as per the source settingsV1 Positive-sequence voltage, referenced to VaV2 Negative-sequence voltage, referenced to VaV0 Zero-sequence voltageI1 Positive-sequence current, referenced to IaI2 Negative-sequence current, referenced to IaI0 Zero-sequence current