5-20 L60 Line Phase Comparison Relay GE Multilin5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5The MMXU deadband settings represent the deadband values used to determine when the update the MMXU “mag” and“cVal” values from the associated “instmag” and “instcVal” values. The “mag” and “cVal” values are used for the IEC 61850buffered and unbuffered reports. These settings correspond to the associated “db” data items in the CF functional con-straint of the MMXU logical node, as per the IEC 61850 standard. According to IEC 61850-7-3, the db value “shall repre-sent the percentage of difference between the maximum and minimum in units of 0.00%”. Thus, it is important to know themaximum value for each MMXU measured quantity, since this represents the 100.00% value for the deadband.The minimum value for all quantities is 0; the maximum values are as follows:phase current: 46 × phase CT primary settingneutral current: 46 × ground CT primary settingvoltage: 275 × VT ratio settingpower (real, reactive, and apparent): 46 × phase CT primary setting × 275 × VT ratio settingfrequency: 90 Hzpower factor: 2The GGIO2 control configuration settings are used to set the control model for each input. The available choices are “0”(status only), “1” (direct control), and “2” (SBO with normal security). The GGIO2 control points are used to control the L60virtual inputs.Since GSSE/GOOSE messages are multicast ethernet by specification, they will not usually be forwarded by net-work routers. However, GOOSE messages may be fowarded by routers if the router has been configured for VLANfunctionality.h) WEB SERVER HTTP PROTOCOLPATH: SETTINGS Ö PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ COMMUNICATIONS ÖØ WEB SERVER HTTP PROTOCOLThe L60 contains an embedded web server and is capable of transferring web pages to a web browser such as MicrosoftInternet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. This feature is available only if the L60 has the ethernet option installed. The webpages are organized as a series of menus that can be accessed starting at the L60 “Main Menu”. Web pages are availableshowing DNP and IEC 60870-5-104 points lists, Modbus registers, Event Records, Fault Reports, etc. The web pages canbe accessed by connecting the UR and a computer to an ethernet network. The Main Menu will be displayed in the webbrowser on the computer simply by entering the IP address of the L60 into the “Address” box on the web browser.i) TFTP PROTOCOLPATH: SETTINGS Ö PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ COMMUNICATIONS ÖØ TFTP PROTOCOLThe Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) can be used to transfer files from the L60 over a network. The L60 operates as aTFTP server. TFTP client software is available from various sources, including Microsoft Windows NT. The dir.txt fileobtained from the L60 contains a list and description of all available files (event records, oscillography, etc.). WEB SERVER HTTP PROTOCOLHTTP TCP PORTNUMBER: 80Range: 1 to 65535 in steps of 1 TFTP PROTOCOLTFTP MAIN UDP PORTNUMBER: 69Range: 1 to 65535 in steps of 1MESSAGE TFTP DATA UDP PORT 1NUMBER: 0Range: 0 to 65535 in steps of 1MESSAGE TFTP DATA UDP PORT 2NUMBER: 0Range: 0 to 65535 in steps of 1NOTE