GE Multilin L60 Line Phase Comparison System 5-1935 SETTINGS 5.5 GROUPED ELEMENTS5• NEUTRAL DIR OC1 FWD PICKUP: This setting defines the pickup level for the overcurrent unit of the element in theforward direction. When selecting this setting it must be kept in mind that the design uses a ‘positive-sequencerestraint’ technique for the “Calculated 3I0” mode of operation.• NEUTRAL DIR OC1 REV LIMIT ANGLE: This setting defines a symmetrical (in both directions from the ECA) limitangle for the reverse direction.• NEUTRAL DIR OC1 REV PICKUP: This setting defines the pickup level for the overcurrent unit of the element in thereverse direction. When selecting this setting it must be kept in mind that the design uses a positive-sequence restrainttechnique for the “Calculated 3I0” mode of operation.Figure 5–95: NEUTRAL DIRECTIONAL OVERCURRENT LOGICFLEXLOGIC OPERANDFLEXLOGIC OPERANDSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSETTINGSSETTINGSETTINGNEUTRAL DIR OC1FUNCTION:NEUTRAL DIR OC1SOURCE:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 POLVOLT:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 OPCURR:NEUTRAL DIR OC1POLARIZING:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 BLK:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 FWDLIMIT ANGLE:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 FWDECA:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 REVLIMIT ANGLE:NEUTRAL DIR OC1OFFSET:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 FWDPICKUP:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 REVPICKUP:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 OPCURR:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 OPCURR:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 FWDNEUTRAL DIR OC1 REVDisabled=0Measured VXVoltageCalculated V_0 } }CurrentGround Crt (IG)Zero Seq Crt (I_0)DualNOTE:1) CURRENT POLARIZING IS POSSIBLE ONLY IN RELAYS WITHTHE GROUND CURRENT INPUTS CONNECTED TOAN ADEQUATE CURRENT POLARIZING SOURCE2) GROUND CURRENT CAN NOT BE USED FOR POLARIZATIONAND OPERATION SIMULTANEOUSLY3) POSITIVE SEQUENCE RESTRAINT IS NOT APPLIED WHENI_1 IS BELOW 0.8pu827077AC.CDROff=0Enabled=1ANDANDANDANDANDANDANDORORORORIG 0.05 pu3( I_0 - K I_1 ) PICKUP3( I_0 - K I_1 ) PICKUPIG PICKUPIG PICKUPVoltage PolarizationCurrent Polarization-3V_03I_0FWDFWDFWDREVREVREVRUNRUNRUNORORRUN1.25 cy1.5 cyNEUTRAL DIR OC1 POS-SEQ RESTRAINT:NEUTRAL DIR OC1 POS-SEQ RESTRAINT:IG 0.05 pu