5-26 L90 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALPRODUCT SETUP CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5In addition to supporting syslog, a L90 with CyberSentry also saves the security events in two local security files, thesebeing SECURITY_EVENTS.CSV and SETTING_CHANGES.LOG. Details on these files and how to retrieve them are available inthe EnerVista software under Maintenance > Retrieve File. Depending on the level of criticality/severity, a syslog server ora reporting tool gathering information from a syslog server can produce reports, charts, and so on. All severity levels areper RFC 5424.Table 5-6: CyberSentry system events recorded5.3.2 Display propertiesSETTINGS PRODUCT SETUP DISPLAY PROPERTIESSome relay messaging characteristics can be modified to suit different situations using the display properties settings.LANGUAGE — This setting selects the language used to display settings, actual values, and targets. This setting displayswhen a language other than English was purchased, and the range depends on the order code of the relay.Event Severity DescriptionFAILED_AUTH, ORIGIN, TIMESTAMP Warning (4) A failed authentication with origin information (username and IP:MACaddress), a time stamp in UTC time when it occurredAUTH_LOCKOUT, ORIGIN, TIMESTAMP Error (3) An authentication lockout has occurred because of too many failedauthentication attemptsFIRMWARE_UPGD, ORIGIN,TIMESTAMPWarning (4) Indicates that a change of firmware has occurredFIRMWARE_LOCK, ORIGIN,TIMESTAMPCritical (1) An attempt was made to change firmware while the firmware lock wasenabledSETTING_CHG, ORIGIN, TIMESTAMP Notice (5) Indicates setting change(s)SETTING_LOCK, ORIGIN, TIMESTAMP Critical (1) An attempt was made to change settings while the settings lock was enabledLOGIN, ORIGIN, TIMESTAMP Warning (4) Indicates when a certain role logged inLOGOUT, ORIGIN, TIMESTAMP Notice (5) Indicates when a certain role logged out or timed outCLEAR_OSCILLOGRAPHY Notice (5) Clear oscillography command was issuedCLEAR_DATA_LOGGER Notice (5) Clear data logger command was issuedCLEAR_DEMAND_RECS Notice (5) Clear demand records command was issuedCLEAR_ENERGY Notice (5) Clear energy command was issuedRESET_UNAUTH_ACCESS Warning (4) Reset Unauthorized access command was issuedCLEAR_TELEPROTECTION_CNT Notice (5) Clear teleprotection counters command was issuedCLEAR_ALL_RECS Warning (4) Clear all records command was issued DISPLAY PROPERTIES LANGUAGE:EnglishRange: English; English, French; English, Russian; English,Chinese; English, German (examples; depends on order code)Visible when language other than English purchased FLASH MESSAGETIME: 1.0 sRange: 0.5 to 10.0 s in steps of 0.1 DEFAULT MESSAGETIMEOUT: 300 sRange: 10 to 900 s in steps of 1 DEFAULT MESSAGEINTENSITY: 25 %Range: 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%Visible when a VFD is installed SCREEN SAVERFEATURE: DisabledRange: Disabled, EnabledVisible when an LCD is installed SCREEN SAVER WAITTIME: 30 minRange: 1 to 65535 min. in steps of 1Visible when an LCD is installed CURRENT CUT-OFFLEVEL: 0.020 puRange: 0.002 to 0.020 pu in steps of 0.001 VOLTAGE CUT-OFFLEVEL: 1.0 VRange: 0.1 to 1.0 V secondary in steps of 0.1