CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTSL90 LINE CURRENT DIFFERENTIAL SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUAL 5-39955.9.4 Virtual outputsSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1(96)The virtual inputs and outputs are digital signals associated with UR-series internal logic signals. Virtual inputs includesignals generated by the local user interface. The virtual outputs are outputs of FlexLogic equations used to customize thedevice. Virtual outputs can also serve as virtual inputs to FlexLogic equations.There are 96 virtual outputs that can be assigned using FlexLogic. If not assigned, the output is forced to ‘OFF’ (Logic 0). AnID also can be assigned to each virtual output. Virtual outputs are resolved in each pass through the evaluation of theFlexLogic equations. Any change of state of a virtual output can be logged as an event if programmed to do so.For example, if Virtual Output 1 is the trip signal from FlexLogic and the trip relay is used to signal events, the settings isprogrammed as follows:VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 ID: "Trip"VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 EVENTS: "Disabled"5.9.5 Direct inputs and outputs5.9.5.1 OverviewThe relay provides eight direct inputs conveyed on communications channel 1 (numbered 1-1 through 1-8) and eight directinputs conveyed on communications channel 2 (on three-terminal systems only, numbered 2-1 through 2-8). The usermust program the remote relay connected to channels 1 and 2 of the local relay by assigning the desired FlexLogicoperand to be sent via the selected communications channel.This relay allows the user to create distributed protection and control schemes via dedicated communications channels.Some examples are directional comparison pilot schemes and transfer tripping. Note that failures of communicationschannel affect direct input/output functionality. The 87L function must be enabled to utilize the direct inputs.Direct input and output FlexLogic operands to be used at the local relay are assigned as follows:• Direct input/output 1-1 through direct input/output 1-8 for communications channel 1• Direct input/output 2-1 through direct input/output 2-8 for communications channel 2 (three-terminal systems only)On the two-terminal, two channel system (redundant channel), direct outputs 1-1 to 1-8 are sent over both channelssimultaneously and are received separately as direct inputs 1-1 to 1-8 at channel 1 and direct inputs 2-1 to 2-8 at channel2. Therefore, to take advantage of redundancy, the respective operands from channel 1 and 2 can be ORed with FlexLogicor mapped separately. Direct inputsSETTINGS INPUTS/OUTPUTS DIRECT DIRECT INPUTS VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1 IDVirt Op 1Range: up to 20 alphanumeric characters VIRTUAL OUTPUT 1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled DIRECT INPUTS DIRECT INPUT 1-1DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On DIRECT INPUT 1-8DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On DIRECT INPUT 2-1DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On DIRECT INPUT 2-8DEFAULT: OffRange: Off, On