5-172 M60 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALFLEXLOGIC CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5ELEMENT:Phase timeovercurrentPHASE TOC1 PKPPHASE TOC1 OPPHASE TOC1 DPOPHASE TOC1 PKP APHASE TOC1 PKP BPHASE TOC1 PKP CPHASE TOC1 OP APHASE TOC1 OP BPHASE TOC1 OP CPHASE TOC1 DPO APHASE TOC1 DPO BPHASE TOC1 DPO CAt least one phase of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedAll phases of phase time overcurrent 1 have dropped outPhase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has picked upPhase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has operatedPhase A of phase time overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase B of phase time overcurrent 1 has dropped outPhase C of phase time overcurrent 1 has dropped outPHASE TOC2 to 6 Same set of operands as shown for PHASE TOC1ELEMENT:Phase undervoltagePHASE UV1 PKPPHASE UV1 OPPHASE UV1 DPOPHASE UV1 PKP APHASE UV1 PKP BPHASE UV1 PKP CPHASE UV1 OP APHASE UV1 OP BPHASE UV1 OP CPHASE UV1 DPO APHASE UV1 DPO BPHASE UV1 DPO CAt least one phase of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upAt least one phase of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedAll phases of phase undervoltage 1 have dropped outPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has picked upPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has operatedPhase A of phase undervoltage 1 has dropped outPhase B of phase undervoltage 1 has dropped outPhase C of phase undervoltage 1 has dropped outPHASE UV2 to 3 Same set of operands as shown for PHASE UV1ELEMENT:Reduced voltagestartingREDUCED VOLT CTRLREDUCED VOLT OPAsserted for one second upon a valid transition in any modeAsserted when an invalid transition occursELEMENT:Restart delayRESTART TIME OP The minimum restart time has not expired since the last motor stop. Norestart is allowed when this operand is asserted (use to inhibit the motor startcommand).ELEMENT:Broken rotor bardetectionROTOR ALARM PKPROTOR ALARM OPAsserted when the broken rotor bar detection element picks upAsserted when the broken rotor bar detection element operatesELEMENT:Remote RTDprotectionRRTD COMM FAILRRTD RTD 1 ALARM DPORRTD RTD 1 ALARM OPRRTD RTD 1 ALARM PKPRRTD RTD 1 OPENRRTD RTD 1 SHORTEDRRTD RTD 1 TRIP DPORRTD RTD 1 TRIP OPRRTD RTD 1 TRIP PKPAsserted when RRTD loss of communications is detectedAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 alarm stage drops outAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 alarm stage operatesAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 alarm stage picks upAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 detects an open circuitAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 detects an short/low circuitAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 trip stage drops outAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 trip stage operatesAsserted when the RRTD RTD 1 trip stage picks upRRTD RTD 2 to 12 The set of operands shown are available for RRTD RTD 2 and higherELEMENT:RTD protectionRTD Ip 1 ALARM DPORTD Ip 1 ALARM OPRTD Ip 1 ALARM PKPRTD Ip 1 OPENRTD Ip 1 SHORTEDRTD Ip 1 TRIP DPORTD Ip 1 TRIP OPRTD Ip 1 TRIP PKPAsserted when the alarm stage of RTD input 1 protection picks upAsserted when the alarm stage of RTD input 1 protection operatesAsserted when the alarm stage of RTD input 1 protection drops outAsserted when RTD input 1 detects an open circuitAsserted when RTD input 1 detects a shorted or low circuitAsserted when the trip stage of RTD input 1 protection picks upAsserted when the trip stage of RTD input 1 protection operatesAsserted when the trip stage of RTD input 1 protection drops outRTD Ip 2 to 48 The set of operands shown are available for the RTD Ip 2 and higher elementsOperand type Operand syntax Operand description