5-260 M60 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALGROUPED ELEMENTS CHAPTER 5: SETTINGS5Definite time curveThe Definite Time curve shape operates as soon as the pickup level is exceeded for a specified period of time. The basedefinite time curve delay is in seconds. The curve multiplier of 0.00 to 600.00 makes this delay adjustable frominstantaneous to 600.00 seconds in steps of 10 ms. The definite time curve shapes are defined as follows:Eq. 5-46Eq. 5-47whereT = Operate Time (in seconds)TDM = Multiplier settingI = Input CurrentIpickup = Pickup Current settingTRESET = Reset Time in seconds (assuming energy capacity is 100% and RESET: Timed)Recloser curvesThe M60 uses the FlexCurve feature to facilitate programming of 41 recloser curves. See the FlexCurves settings sectionearlier in this chapter for details. Ground time overcurrent (ANSI 51G, IEC PTOC)SETTINGS GROUPED ELEMENTS SETTING GROUP 1(6) GROUND CURRENT GROUND TOC1(6)This element can provide a required time-delay operating characteristic versus the applied current or be used as a simpledefinite time element. The ground current input value is the quantity measured by the ground input CT and is thefundamental phasor or RMS magnitude. Two methods of resetting operation are available: “Timed” and “Instantaneous”(see the Inverse TOC Curve Characteristics section for details). When the element is blocked, the time accumulator resetsaccording to the reset characteristic. For example, if the element reset characteristic is set to “Instantaneous” and theelement is blocked, the time accumulator clears immediately.GROUND TOC1 FUNCTION — This setting enables and disables the ground time overcurrent protection element. GROUND TOC1 GROUND TOC1FUNCTION: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled GROUND TOC1 SIGNALSOURCE: SRC 1Range: SRC 1, SRC 2, SRC 3, SRC 4 GROUND TOC1INPUT: PhasorRange: Phasor, RMS GROUND TOC1PICKUP: 1.000 puRange: 0.020 to 30.000 pu in steps of 0.001 GROUND TOC1CURVE: IEEE Mod InvRange: see the Overcurrent Curve Types table GROUND TOC1TD MULTIPLIER: 1.00Range: 0.00 to 600.00 in steps of 0.01 GROUND TOC1RESET: InstantaneousRange: Instantaneous, Timed GROUND TOC1 BLOCK:OffRange: FlexLogic operand GROUND TOC1TARGET: Self-resetRange: Self-reset, Latched, Disabled GROUND TOC1EVENTS: DisabledRange: Disabled, Enabled