6-4 M60 MOTOR PROTECTION SYSTEM – INSTRUCTION MANUALSTATUS CHAPTER 6: ACTUAL VALUES66.3 Status6.3.1 MotorACTUAL VALUES STATUS MOTORThe MOTOR STATUS value reflects operating state of the motor.The MOTOR THERMAL CAPACITY USED represents the thermal model accumulated thermal capacity used as a percentagevalue.The ESTIMATED TRIP TIME ON OVERLOAD value represents the estimated time to trip (in seconds) from the thermal modelassuming that the motor current remains at its current level. It is obtained from the thermal model curve and takes intoaccount that some percent of the thermal capacity has already been used.The THERMAL LOCKOUT TIME reflects the calculated time required for the thermal capacity used to decay from its currentvalue to the level when thermal start inhibit is removed and new motor start is permitted. The THERMAL LOCKOUT TIMEvalue displays only when the motor is offline. For details of lockout time calculations, see the Thermal Model section ofChapter 5.The START/HOUR LOCKOUT TIME, TIME-BTWN-STARTS LO TIME, and RESTART DELAY LO TIME lockout time values are calculatedfrom the Maximum Starting Rate, Time Between Starts, and Restart Delay elements, respectively.The TOTAL MOTOR LOCKOUT TIME value is calculated as the maximum of all lockout times shown in this menu.6.3.2 Contact inputsACTUAL VALUES STATUS CONTACT INPUTSThe present status of the contact inputs is shown here. The first line of a message display indicates the ID of the contactinput. For example, ‘Cont Ip 1’ refers to the contact input in terms of the default name-array index. The second line of thedisplay indicates the logic state of the contact input. MOTOR MOTOR STATUS:Offline MOTOR THERMALCAPACITY USED: 0% ESTIMATED TRIP TIMEON OVERLOAD: Never THERMAL LOCKOUTTIME: 0 min START/HOUR LOCKOUTTIME: 0 min TIME-BTWN-STARTS LOTIME: 0 min RESTART DELAY LOTIME: 0 s TOTAL MOTOR LOCKOUTTIME: 0 min CONTACT INPUTS Cont Ip 1OffRange: On, Off Cont Ip xxOffRange: On, Off