Network IP addressIP addressing is needed for time synchronization of Alstom switches and for SNMP management.Switch Manager is used to define IP addresses of Alstom switches. These addresses must be in the range ofthe system IP, depending on the IP mask of the engineering PC for substation maintenance.Alstom switches have a default multicast so the 3rd word of the IP address is always 254.Installation procedureRun Setup.exe and follow the on-screen instructions.9.2 SETUP1. Make sure the PC has one Ethernet port connected to the Alstom switch.2. Configure the PC's Ethernet port on the same subnet as the Alstom switch.3. Select User or Admin mode. In User mode enter the user name as User, leave the password blankand click OK. In Admin mode you can not upload the firmware on the Ethernet repeaters.4. In Admin mode enter the user name as Admin, enter the password and click OK. All functions areavailable including Expert Maintenance facilities.5. Click the Language button in the bottom right of the screen and select your language.6. If several Ethernet interfaces are used, in the Network board drop-down box, select the PC Networkboard connected to the Alstom switch. The IP and MAC addresses are displayed below the drop-downbox.7. Periodically click the Ring Topology button (top left) to display or refresh the list of Alstom switchesthat are connected.9.3 NETWORK SETUPTo configure the network options:1. From the main window click the Settings button. The Network Setup screen appears.2. Enter the required board IP address. The first two octets can be configured. The third octet is always254. The last octet is set using the DIP switches (SW2) on the redundant Ethernet board, next to theribbon connector.3. Click OK. The board network address is updated and displayed in the main window.4. From the main window click the SNTP Config button. The Device setup screen appears.5. Enter the required MAC SNTP Address and server IP SNTP Address. Click OK.6. The updated MAC and IP SNTP addresses appear in the main screen.7. Click the Saturation button. A new screen appears.8. Set the saturation level and click OK. The default value is 300.9.4 BANDWIDTH USEDTo show how much bandwidth is used in the ring,Click the Ring% button, at the bottom of the main window. The percentage of bandwidth used in the ring isdisplayed.9.5 RESET COUNTERSTo reset the switch counters,1. Click Switch Counter Reset.2. Click OK.Chapter 8 - Redundant Ethernet MiCOM P747270 P747-TM-EN-1