4.8 CIRCUIT BREAKER MAPPINGCB Closed 3 ph CB in ServiceV02026 Key: External DDB SignalFigure 87: Circuit Breaker mapping4.9 FAULT RECORD TRIGGER MAPPINGOutput R3 Fault Rec TrigV02027 Key: External DDB SignalFigure 88: Fault Record Trigger mapping4.10 CHECK SYNCHRONISATION AND VOLTAGE MONITOR MAPPINGSSysChks InactiveV02028Key: External DDB SignalOR gate 1 &AND gateMan Check SynchAR Sys ChecksCheck Sync 1 OKCheck Sync 2 OKLive LineDead BusDead LineLive Bus1&&&Figure 89: Check Synchronisation and Voltage Monitor mappings4.11 SETTINGSThe device contains a PSL DATA column, which can be used to track PSL modifications. A total of 12 cellsare contained in the PSL DATA column; 3 for each setting group.Grp(n) PSL Ref: When downloading a PSL scheme to an IED, you will be prompted to enter the relevantgroup number and a reference identifier. The first 32 characters of the reference identifier are displayed inthis cell. The horizontal cursor keys can scroll through the 32 characters as the LCD display only displays 16characters.Example:Grp. PSL Ref.Date/time: This cell displays the date and time when the PSL scheme was downloaded to the IED.Example:Chapter 12 - Scheme Logic MiCOM P747326 P747-TM-EN-1