Term DescriptionER Engineering RecommendationFCB Frame Count BitFFT Fast Fourier TransformFIR Finite Impulse ResponseFLC Full load current: The nominal rated current for the circuit.FLT / Flt Fault - typically used to indicate faulted phase selection.Fn or FN FunctionFPGA Field Programmable Gate ArrayFPS Frames Per SecondFTP File Transfer ProtocolFWD, Fwd or Fwd. Indicates an element responding to a flow in the "Forward" directionGIF Graphic Interchange Format – a file format for a computer graphicGND / Gnd Ground: used in distance settings to identify settings that relate to ground (earth) faults.GOOSE Generic Object Oriented Substation EventGPS Global Positioning SystemGRP / Grp Group. Typically an alternative setting group.GSE General Substation EventGSSE Generic Substation Status EventGUI Graphical User InterfaceHMI Human Machine InterfaceHIF High Impedance FaultHiZ High Impedance (for Restricted Earth Fault)HSR High-availability Seamless RingHTML Hypertext Markup LanguageI CurrentI/O Input/OutputI/P InputICAO International Civil Aviation OrganizationID Identifier or Identification. Often a label used to track a software version installed.IDMT Inverse Definite Minimum Time. A characteristic whose trip time depends on the measured input(e.g. current) according to an inverse-time curve.IEC International Electro-technical CommissionIED Intelligent Electronic DeviceIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersIIR Infinite Impulse ResponseInh An Inhibit signalInst An element with Instantaneous operation: i.e. having no deliberate time delay.IP Internet ProtocolIRIG InterRange Instrumentation GroupISA International Standard AtmosphereISA Instrumentation Systems and Automation SocietyISO International Standards OrganizationJPEF Joint Photographic Experts Group – a file format for a computer graphicL LiveAppendix A - Symbols and Glossary MiCOM P747410 P747-TM-EN-1