Using the Convection OvenWall OvenConvection.fitnlll [I con_,ection o_,en, [i tiln circulates hot air oxei;under and around the food.This circulating hot air is evenly distributedthroughout the oven cavity. _s a result, fi)ods areevenly cooked and browned----often in less timewith convection heat.NO'I_: TIw corwa:tionJ(m will O'cl_,on arm q//while,cooldnff to be,_tdi,_lribule hot air in the oven.T/w convection tim shuts (3[_rulwn tlw oven door i,sol)enal. DO _\t)T leave tlw door o/)en fi*r lo*N"lwrio& o/li*_wwhile u,sint{"(onveg:tbn _>&bg" or you m(O' shorlcntlu: l!fi"(:/the (onveclion lu:alinff do*zozl:1-RackconvectionbakingTile comection tim circulates tile heated air exenlxover and aro/md tile fi_od using tile bake and broilelements.X_hen comecfion baking with one 1 rack, useCONVECTION BAKE 1 IL_CK m{d tot best resultsplace the rack on shell C or D at the center of theoven. Cook finles nlav decrease, so fi,od shouM bechecked earlier than i)ackage directions to makeS/lI'e that it does not oxercook.Ideal fi,r cooking large casseroles and lasagna withgood results.Multi-rackconvectionbahingCAUTION:When you are using theoffset rack (on 27" models)in the lowest position (A),you will needto usecaution when pulling therack out, We recommendthat you pull the rack outseveral inches and then,using two pot holders, pullthe rack out by holding thesides of it. The offset rackis low and you could beburned if you placeyourhand in the middle of therack and pull all the wayout, Bevery careful not toburn your hand on the doorwhen using a rack in thelowest position (A).Because heated air is drculated evenly throughouttile oven, foods can be baked with excellent resultsusing multiple racks.Tile aIllO/Int of tillle required for multi-rackbaking may increase slightly tot some foods, butoverall time is saved because two to three times asmuch food is cooked at once. Cookies, muffins,biscuits, and other quick breads give good resultswith multi-rack baking.27" OvensWhen baking on 3 I'aCk% divide tile oven intothirds by placing the offset rack in the third (C)rack position and the straight racks in fi_t (A) andfi)uYth (D) rack positions.For two-rack baking, place tile offset rack in tilebottom (A) rack posit.ion. Place the straight rack inthe third (C) rack position.30" OvensWhen baking on 3 racks, place one rack in tilesecond (g) position, one in tile fourth (D)position and one in tile 6th (F) position. Forcookies, place one rack in the third (C) position,one in the 5th (E) position and one in the 6th (F)position.Multi-rack position 27" oven®Multi-rack position 30" oven®Offset rack®Adapting_'e€ipesYou can use your tm:orite redpes in tileconvection oven.When convection baking, reduce bakingtemperature by 25°F or activate tile Auto Redpe ''_Conve_ion fl_atm'e. See tile S/)e(ial Feallo'e,s section.Use pan size recommended.Soille package insti'tlctions _[0I" [i'ozen casserolesor main dishes have been developed usingcoi//illeY(-'ial convection ovens. For best resultsin this oven, preheat tile oven and use tiletemperature on tile package.26