Usingthe timer1 Press tile TIMER ON/OFF pad.2 Press tile nmnber pads to set tile time, Forexample, to enter 2 hours and 45 minutes,touch 2, 4 and 5 in that order.(/you make a mislake, press lhe 77MER ON/OFFpad at_d b_q'it_ ag'ai*_.3 Press tile START pad.Aiier pressing tile START pad, "SET"disappears; this tells you the time is cotmtingdown, although tile display does not changeuntil one minute has passed. Seconds will notbe shown in the display until the last minute iscounting down.4 _'_ lien tilne is up, tile oven control signalsuntil you press tile TIMI_LR ON/OFF pad.Display then shows the time of da_,N07_: 77w miracle timer is it_depet_det_l ({/ all lheolher /itt_clio_,s a_d il does _ol cot_lrol lhe ovet_.The CLEAR/OFF pad does *_ol<{[/_:ctttte timer:@@@@@(9@@@@@@To reset the timer:If tile display is still showing tile time remaining,you may change it by pressing the TIMERON/OFF pad, then press the nun/bet pads untilthe time you want appea_5 in the display.If tile remaining time is not in tile display (clock,delay start or cooking time are in the display),recall the remaining time by pressing the TIMERON/OFF pad and then pressing tile number padsto enter tile new tinle vo/i _V_lilt,To cancel the timer:Press tile TIMER ON/OFF pad twice.ControllockoutYour control will allow vou to lock out tiletouch pads so they cannot be activated whenpressed.NOTE: Or_ double ovetz model,s, this aUival¢,s lhis./_,ature /br both ove_zs.To lock/mflock the controls:1 Press the 9 and 0 pads at the same time tot 3seconds, until the display shows "I,OC ON."2 To tmlock tile control, press tile 9 and 0 pads(on double oven Inodels, use the upper ovencontrols) at tile san/e time tot 3 seconds,tmtil the display shows "I,OC OFK""_,_hen this featm'e is on and tile touch pads arepressed, the control will beep and tile displa)will show "I,OC ON."NOTES:• 77w comrol bt/:ouimode @cls ag louchpads. 5bloluh /:a&willworkwlu:r_llzi,sf,alutvh aaival,,d.• 77_,¢ac(]u,slmo_l rvifi be rdabwd it_ memory ((/let"apower fidhm,®®LOCK