re and (;leaning1,171l! OvenBE SUR£ EI.ECTRJCAL POWER IS OFF AND ALl. SURFACES AR£ COO1. BEFORJq CLEANING ANYPART OF TIlE OVEN.07Je72 ra('lgSandconvectionroastingra€lgAll oven racks and the convection roasting rackmav be cleaned bv hand with an abrasivecleaner or steel wool. After cleaning, rinse theracks with clean water and dry with a cleancloth. Gray porcelain-coated oven racks(including the offset rack) may remain in theoven during the sell:cleaning cycle withoutbeing damaged. The convection roasting rackand nickel-plated oven racks (including theoffset rack) mav remain in the oven during thesell:cleaning cycle, but they will lose their lusterand become hard to slide. It will be necessary togrease all oven rack side edges with a lightcoating of vegetable oil after cleaning them bvhand or in the oven. This will hel I) maintain theease of sliding the racks in and out of the oven.RoastingrackOven rackStainh?ss steel(o_ some model,_)& metal partsDo not use a steel-wool pad; it will scratchthe surface.To clean the stainless steel surtace, use wam_sudsy water, a stainless steel cleaner such asKleen King _°or an all-pm'i)ose liquid or spraycleaner. Always scrub in the direction of thegrain. Rinse thoroughly with a sponge or clothand clean water: Dry with a soft, clean cloth.After cleaning, use a stainless steel polish, suchas Stainless Steel Magic <°,Revere (k_pper andStainless Steel Cleane_':or X4'enol All Puq)oseMetal Polishq Follow the product instructionst0r cleaning the stainless steel sm'tace.Broiler panand gridAfter broiling, remoxe the broiler pan from theoxen. Remoxe the grid from the pan. Carefldlvpour out the grease from the pan into a propercontainer.X._ash and rinse the broiler pan and grid in hotwater with a soap-filled or plastic scouring pad.If fl)od has bm'ned on, sprinkle the grid withdetergent while hot and cover with wet papertowels or a dish cloth. Soaking the pan willrei/love b/irned-on _'0ods.Both the broiler pan and grid may be cleanedwith a commercial oxen cleaner.Both the broiler pan and grid can also becleaned in a dishwasher,Do not dean the bmih," pan 0r g'rid in a se(/:deaning"Do not stow a soih,d broih, r pan and grid a,ywhe*_,in the oven..t