Oven dooF To clean the inside of the door:• Because tile area inside tile gasket is cleanedduI'ing tile self:clean cycle, you do not needto clean this by hand.• Tile area outside tile gasket and tile fl'ontfimne can be cleaned with a soai>filled steelwool or plastic pad, hot water and deteigent.Rinse well with a vinegar and water sohttion.To clean the outside of the door:• Use soap and water to thoi'oughly clean tiletop, sides and fl'ont of the oven door. Rinsewell. You n/av also use a glass cleaner to cleanthe glass on the outside of the door. Do notlet water drip into the vent oi)enings.• Spillage of nlarinades, fluitjuices, ton/atosauces and basting inaterials containing acidsnlav cause discoloration and should be wipedup inunediatelv. When surtace is cool, cleanand rinse.• Do not use oven cleaners, cleaning powdersor harsh abrasives on the outside of the door.The gasket is designed with a gap at the bottom to allowfor proper air circulation,Do not rub or clean the door gasket--it has an extremelylow resistance to abrasion,If you notice the gasket becoming worn, frayed or damagedin any way or if it has become displaced on the door,you should have it replaced.Pu_movableoven ./IootTo relnove the oven floor:1 Renlove tile oven door using tile instiuctionsin the i,ifl-Off Oven Door section of thisIllantlal.2 Press down and pull ()/It tile reinowd)le()veil t]oor.3 Clean tile ()veil floor with warnl soapy water.4 When re-installing the oven floor be sure toslide it all the way to the back of the ()veil.CAUTION: _Mways replace tile reinowd)le floorbeti)re tile next use.Oven heatingelementsDo not clean tile broil eleinent. Any soil willburn off' when the elen/ent is h ea ted.Tile bake eleinent is not exposed and is underthe reinowd)le oven floor. If si)illovers, residueor ash aCCtlIlltllate on tile Fei//ovable ()veil ]qoor,wipe up bet0re sell=cleaning.To clean tile bake eleinent area, take out tilereinowd)le floor (see tile I?emovable Oven Floo,'"section) and gently lift the bake eleinent. Cleanwith warnl soapy water. Always replace tilerelnovable floor bel0i'e next rise.ControlpanelIt's a good idea to wipe tile control panel aftereach use. Clean with inild soap and water orvinegar and watei; rinse with clean water andpolish dry with a soft cloth.Do not use abrasive cleansers, strong liquidcleaners, plastic scouring pads or ()veil cleanerson the contr/)l i)anel--they will dan/age thefinish. A 50/50 solution of vinegar and hotwater works well.39