re and (;leaning1,1_1llOven07J gTIlight bulbsN07_: 77wglass cover shouhl be removed only whencold. I,l_,aring latex gloves may (_[/;_ra belle*"g'rip.CAUTION: ,<bulb, disconnect electrical power to the oxenat the main fuse or circuit breaker panel.Be sure to let the light cover and bulb coolcompletely.For yore" safet), do not touch a hot bulb withbare hands or a damp cloth.To remove:1 Tm'n the glass coxer cotmterclockwise1/4 turn until the tabs of the glass coxerclear the grooxes of the socket.2 Using gloves or a dry cloth remove the bulbby Imllin°8 it straight out.To replace:1 Use a new 130-xolt Hah)gen bulb, not toexceed 50 watts.Using gloves or a dry cloth, remove the bulbfrom its I)ackaging., , Do not touch the bulbwith bare fingers.Push the bulb straight into the receptacleall the wax.4 Place the tabs of the glass cover into thegrooxes of the socket. Turn the ,*lass coxerclockwise 1/4 turn.l'br improved lig'bting" inside the oven, clean the g'las:scover/h using" a wet dolh. Tiffs shouM bedone when the oven is comp&lely eooL5 Reconnect electrical power to the oven.Receptacle Socketi ii ii i_'_" BulbTab/GlasscoverReceptacleUseglovesor clothPrvbe The temperature probe may be cleaned withsoap and water or a soap-filled sc(mring pad.Cool the temperature probe befi)re cleaning,Scorn" stubborn spots with a soap-tilled scom'ingpad, rinse and dry.l)o nol immerse lhe lemp,_ralure pmb,_ in wale*:l)o nol slore lhe lemperalure probe in lhe ovem4{)