Tinled Convection Baking14_1ll OvenUsing thetimedfeatures jbrconvectioncoohingN07_: Foo& that spoil easily, such as milk, egg:%.fish, stl{/fing:s, poldtry and pork, should not beallowed to sit fbr more than l hour b@re or qflereoohi_N'. Room temperature promotes the growth q/har_!/id baeleria. Be sure that the oven l_t_'l_tis (*_/because heat/ram the bun will speed harn!fidbacteria growth.On double oven models, you can use timedbaking or roasting in one oven while usingself:clean in the other; you can also usetimed baking or roasting in both ovensat the same time.How to setan immediatestart andautomaticstopThe oven will lurn on immediat@' and eooh /br ase#_led #ntJh of lime. A t the end (j the _ookin:_" lime,the oven will turn (:fJautomatical@Make sure the oven clock shows the correcttime of day.Press the CONV BAI_]/1 RACK pad(Convection Bake 1-Rack mode) fl_r 1-rackconvection baking. This mode is used forcooking food items on only 1 rack inconvection bake.Press the CONV BAKE/MULTI pad(Convection Bake Multi mode) for multi-rackconvection baking. This mode is used lotcooking food itei//s on ii/oYe than one rack(i.e. 2, 3 or more racks) at the same time inConvection Bake. See the Multi-reekconvection bakin:_" section fin" m oreinformation.Press the CONV ROAST pad for comectionroasting.2 Press the number pads to set the desiredo_,en tei/ll)eYatt/Ye,3 Press the COOK TIME pad.NOTE: (/)our recipe requi*es p_,he,¢ting; you may needlo add additional lime lo lhe l.,nJh (:t llu: (ooking" lime.4 Press the number pads to set the desiredlength of cooking time, The minimumcooking tilne }ou can set is 1 ininute.The oxen temperature that you set and thecooking time that you entered will be in thedisplay5 Press the START pad.The display shows the oven temperature thatvou set and the cooking time countdown.(The display starts changing once thetemperature reaches 100°K)NOTE: On double oven models, when using" bothovens at the same time, the times showi_g" in thedisph 9' will beJbr the last oven set. 7b di,qda)' thetime set Jbr the fir, st oven set; press the COOK TIMEpad fbr thatoven.®®®®®®®®®@@®®®®®@®®®@@@The oven will continue to cook fl_r theprogrammed alnount of time, then shut ot_automatically, unless the X4;_tRM feature was set.See the How to set the oven fbr warmi_g" section.6 Press the CLEAR/OFF pad to clear thedisplay if necessary. Remove the tood ti'omthe oven. Remember; even though the ovenshuts oIt automatically; tood lett in the ovenwill continue cooking after the oven turnsoff.N07N: Ibu will hear afire while cooking" with this,fi:atare. The,fire will o'eh: on and (_/f whih, eoohi_g" tobe,st distribute the hot ab; and will stop when the dooris opened bat the heat will not turn (*[f3(1