Heat-Resistant Glass, YES YES YESGlass-Ceramic(Pyrex®, Fire King®,Corning Ware ®, etc.)Ceramic (cookware YES YES YESwith no metal trim)Metal NO YES NONon Heat-Resistant Glass NO NO NOMicrowave-Safe Plastics YES NO SOMETIMES*Plastic Films and Wraps YES NO NOPaper Products YES NO NOStraw, Wicker and Wood YES NO NO*Use only microwave cookware that is safe to 400°F.CookwareConvection CookingMetal pans are recom-mended for all types ofbaked products.Dark or dull finish metalpans are best for breadsand pies because theyabsorb heat and producecrisper crust.Shiny aluminum pans arebetter for cakes, cookies ormuffins because these pansreflect heat and helpproduce a light, tendercrust.Use glass or glass-ceramiccasserole or baking dishesfor egg and cheese recipesbecause they are easier toclean.Combination CookingUse glass or glass-ceramicbaking containers. Do notuse cookware with metaltrim. It may cause arcingwhich can damage thecookware, the shelf or theoven.Heat-resistant plasticmicrowave cookware (safeto 400°F.) may be used.Cookware TipsCookwareMicrowave Convection Combination15