Helpful InformationLight Bulb Replacement1 To replace combinationcooktop light/nightlight, first disconnect thepower at the main fuseor circuit breaker panelor pull the plug.2 Remove the screw on theright side of the lightcompartment cover andlower the cover until itstops.3 Be sure the bulb(s) to bereplaced are cool beforeremoving. Break theadhesive seal by gentlyunscrewing the bulbs.4 Raise light compartmentcover and replace thescrew. Connect electricalpower to the oven.Replace with 40-wattincandescent bulbs.Order WB02X4253 fromyour GE supplier. Highintensity 40-watt bulbs(40S11N/1), availablein supermarkets andhardware stores, mayalso be used forreplacements.Cooktop Light/Night Light1 To replace the ovenlight, first disconnect thepower at the main fuseor circuit breaker panelor pull the plug.2 Remove the top grille bytaking out the 2 screwsthat hold it in place.3 Next, remove the singlescrew located above thedoor near the center ofthe oven that secures thelight housing.Replace the burned-outbulb with a 40-wattincandescent bulb(WB02X4253), availablefrom your GE supplier.Oven LightREMOVE SCREW44