Section 8 — Send and Receive Information157Export or Import Data using USB FlashDriveYou can use the USB host port to transfer data to and from yourinstrument using a USB memory device (e.g. flash drive or externallypowered USB hard drive). You can transfer routes, recordings, balancejobs, sensor configurations, and other data. You can generate portableXML data using compatible software like Ascent.EG: You can import an XML file containing a route, and allassociated machines and schedule entries generated in Ascent atanother physical location. This file could be emailed or sent on CD-ROM and imported using your instrument's USB host port (you doNOT need to use Ascent). The route would then be collected asnormal and the measurements exported once, using the USB hostport as XML. When returned to the original sender, the instrumentXML file could be imported into Ascent for normalmeasurement/route analysis.If you export or import data using a USB flash drive, note that:• A route (or routes) can be created at one location.• The route(s) can be sent to an instrument and operator at ageographically remote second location.• The completed route can be returned without re-installingAscent / Without direct communication between Ascent andyour instrument.