Section 10 — Create, Edit, and Delete Items203Rename Machine StructureIf required, you can rename a machine structure.CAUTION! Ascent identifies machines structures and sensors bytheir names. If you rename an item on your instrument, Ascent willtreat this as a new item when you transfer the data.NOTE: The default locations (horizontal, vertical etc) cannot berenamed. If you want to rename a location from horizontal tovertical, (for example), simply create a new vertical location on apoint and copy any required parameter sets from the horizontallocation, then delete the horizontal location.1. Press or Record Review on the main menu.2. Press repeatedly to display the machines.3. Use the arrow keys on the left to select a machine.4. Press repeatedly to display the points and other lower levelitems.5. Select the item you wish to rename > Press Edit Name.6. Edit the name as required > Press .NOTE: The screen will also display point and machine speed details(e.g. speed type, default speed, RPM multiplier). This information isread-only and cannot be edited.