Section 2 — Instrument Fundamentals31Enter CharactersThe names you enter can be up to 50 characters long. These can containa mixture of upper and lower case letters, spaces, numbers, andpunctuation.To enter letters and numbers, press the keys repeatedly to cycle throughthe characters until you reach the one you want to use.EG: To enter the number 7, press four times.You can insert spaces between words, change from upper to lower case,and delete or insert special characters as required.Pressing to display hint labels will help you use the various editingcommands.TIP: If you press a different key, the cursor will jump to the nextspace. If you need to use a character that is on the same key asthe previous character, pause for a moment until the cursor movesforward. This will ensure you do NOT overwrite your text.TIP: Press if you make a mistake and wish to delete acharacter.