5-16L90 Line Differential RelayGE Power Management5.2 PRODUCT SETUP 5 SETTINGS5The trigger can be any FlexLogic™ operand, but in most applications it is expected to be the same operand, usually a vir-tual output, that is used to drive an output relay to trip a breaker. To prevent the over-writing of fault events, the disturbancedetector should not be used to trigger a fault report.If a number of protection elements are ORed to create a fault report trigger, the first operation of any element causing theOR gate output to become high triggers a fault report. However, If other elements operate during the fault and the first oper-ated element has not been reset (the OR gate output is still high), the fault report is not triggered again. Considering thereset time of protection elements, there is very little chance that fault report can be triggered twice in this manner. As thefault report must capture a usable amount of pre and post-fault data, it can not be triggered faster than every 20 ms.Each fault report is stored as a file; the relay capacity is ten files. An eleventh trigger overwrites the oldest file. The operandselected as the fault report trigger automatically triggers an oscillography record which can also be triggered independently.URPC is required to view all captured data. The relay faceplate display can be used to view the date and time of trigger, thefault type, the distance location of the fault, and the reclose shot numberThe FAULT REPORT SOURCE setting selects the Source for input currents and voltages and disturbance detection. The FAULTREPORT TRIG setting assigns the FlexLogic™ operand representing the protection element/elements requiring operationalfault location calculations. The distance to fault calculations are initiated by this signal.See also SETTINGS Ø SYSTEM SETUP ÖØ LINE menu for specifying line characteristics and the ACTUAL VALUES Ø RECORDSÖ FAULT REPORTS menu.5.2.7 OSCILLOGRAPHYPATH: SETTINGS Ö PRODUCT SETUP ÖØ OSCILLOGRAPHY OSCILLOGRAPHYNUMBER OF RECORDS:15Range: 1 to 64 in steps of 1TRIGGER MODE:Automatic OverwriteRange: Automatic Overwrite, ProtectedTRIGGER POSITION:50%Range: 0 to 100 in steps of 1TRIGGER SOURCE:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operandAC INPUT WAVEFORMS:16 samples/cycleRange: Off; 8, 16, 32, 64 samples/cycle DIGITAL CHANNELSRange: 2 to 63 channelsDIGITAL CHANNEL 2:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operand↓DIGITAL CHANNEL 63:OffRange: FlexLogic™ operand ANALOG CHANNELSRange: 1 to 16 channelsANALOG CHANNEL 1:OffRange: Off, any analog Actual Value parameter↓ANALOG CHANNEL 16:OffRange: Off, any analog Actual Value parameter