GE Power ManagementL90 Line Differential RelayE-7APPENDIX E E.2 DNP IMPLEMENTATION TABLEE34con’t2 32-bit Analog Input Reporting Deadband(default – see Note 1)1 (read) 00, 01 (start-stop)06 (no range, or all)07, 08 (limited qty)17, 28 (index)129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)17, 28 (index)(see Note 2)2 (write) 00, 01 (start-stop)07, 08 (limited qty)17, 28 (index)3 Short floating point Analog Input ReportingDeadband1 (read) 00, 01 (start-stop)06 (no range, or all)07, 08 (limited qty)17, 28 (index)129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)17, 28 (index)(see Note 2)50 0 Time and Date 1 (read) 00, 01 (start-stop)06 (no range, or all)07, 08 (limited qty)17, 28 (index)129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)17, 28 (index)(see Note 2)1 Time and Date(default – see Note 1)1 (read)2 (write)00, 01 (start-stop)06 (no range, or all)07 (limited qty=1)08 (limited qty)17, 28 (index)129 (response) 00, 01 (start-stop)17, 28 (index)(see Note 2)52 2 Time Delay Fine 129 (response) 07 (limited qty)(qty = 1)60 0 Class 0, 1, 2, and 3 Data 1 (read)20 (enable unsol)21 (disable unsol)22 (assign class)06 (no range, or all)1 Class 0 Data 1 (read)22 (assign class)06 (no range, or all)2 Class 1 Data 1 (read)20 (enable unsol)21 (disable unsol)22 (assign class)06 (no range, or all)07, 08 (limited qty)3 Class 2 Data 1 (read)20 (enable unsol)21 (disable unsol)22 (assign class)06 (no range, or all)07, 08 (limited qty)4 Class 3 Data 1 (read)20 (enable unsol)21 (disable unsol)22 (assign class)06 (no range, or all)07, 08 (limited qty)80 1 Internal Indications 2 (write) 00 (start-stop)(index must =7)--- No Object (function code only)see Note 313 (cold restart)--- No Object (function code only) 14 (warm restart)--- No Object (function code only) 23 (delay meas.)Table E–2: IMPLEMENTATION TABLE (Sheet 4 of 4)OBJECT REQUEST RESPONSEOBJECTNO.VARIATIONNO.DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONCODES (DEC)QUALIFIERCODES (HEX)FUNCTIONCODES (DEC)QUALIFIERCODES (HEX)Note 1: A Default variation refers to the variation responded when variation 0 is requested and/or in class 0, 1, 2, or 3 scans. Type 30 (AnalogInput) data is limited to data that is actually possible to be used in the UR, based on the product order code. For example, SignalSource data from source numbers that cannot be used is not included. This optimizes the class 0 poll data size.Note 2: For static (non-change-event) objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are only responded when a request is sent with qualifiers 17 or 28, respec-tively. Otherwise, static object requests sent with qualifiers 00, 01, 06, 07, or 08, will be responded with qualifiers 00 or 01 (for change-event objects, qualifiers 17 or 28 are always responded.)Note 3: Cold restarts are implemented the same as warm restarts – the UR is not restarted, but the DNP process is restarted.