GE Power ManagementL90 Line Differential RelayE-1APPENDIX E E.1 DNP DEVICE PROFILEEAPPENDIX E DNPE.1 DNP DEVICE PROFILE E.1.1 DNP V3.00 DEVICE PROFILEThe following table provides a “Device Profile Document” in the standard format defined in the DNP 3.0 Subset DefinitionsDocument.Table E–1: DNP V3.00 DEVICE PROFILE (Sheet 1 of 3)(Also see the IMPLEMENTATION TABLE in the following section)Vendor Name: General Electric Power ManagementDevice Name: UR Series RelayHighest DNP Level Supported:For Requests: Level 2For Responses: Level 2Device Function:MasterSlaveNotable objects, functions, and/or qualifiers supported in addition to the Highest DNP Levels Supported (the completelist is described in the attached table):Binary Inputs (Object 1)Binary Input Changes (Object 2)Binary Outputs (Object 10)Binary Counters (Object 20)Frozen Counters (Object 21)Counter Change Event (Object 22)Frozen Counter Event (Object 23)Analog Inputs (Object 30)Analog Input Changes (Object 32)Analog Deadbands (Object 34)Maximum Data Link Frame Size (octets):Transmitted: 292Received: 292Maximum Application Fragment Size (octets):Transmitted: 240Received: 2048Maximum Data Link Re-tries:NoneFixed at 2ConfigurableMaximum Application Layer Re-tries:NoneConfigurableRequires Data Link Layer Confirmation:NeverAlwaysSometimesConfigurablepp6pp6pp6pp6ppp