How it works en27Food Accessory/cook-wareLevelTemperat-ure in °CTypeofheat-ingCookingtime inminsCommentsRoast potatoes Grill tray 2 180 30-451 Low-fat cooking. Spread evenlyacross the grill tray and mix thor-oughly several times.Feta Baking tray 2 250 12 Recipe tip: Place in a baking dishwith oil, tomatoes, onions, garlic androsemary and season with salt andpepper.Potato wedges Baking tray +greaseproof pa-per2 200 151 Recipe tip: Chop the potatoes andseason them with olive oil, paprikaand salt.Potato gratin Ovenproof dish 2 180 35Potato gratin Ovenproof dish 2 190 55-60 Do not preheat with ; do not openthe appliance door.Potatoes on abed of coarsesaltOvenproof dish 2 200 40-601 Fill the ovenproof dish with 1.5 cm ofsea salt. Place small potatoes intothe dish with their skins on and brushthem with olive oil.Potato fritters Baking tray 2 175 20-301 Oil the baking tray liberally, squeezeout the excess liquid from the potatofritter mixture and brush with a littleoil. Turn once.Potato fritters Baking tray 2 200 20-301 Oil the baking tray liberally, squeezeout the excess liquid from the potatofritter mixture and brush with a littleoil. Turn once.Mozzarella sticks,frozenBaking tray +greaseproof pa-per2 180 10Oven-bakedcheese, freshBaking tray 2 180 20 After 10 minutes, cut a cross into thesoft cheese and break open. If pos-sible, the baking dish should be notmuch larger than the cheese so thatthe cheese does not run.Chips, fresh Baking tray +greaseproof pa-per3 200 15-201 Recipe tip: Cover with a little oil; sea-son with salt and paprika or currypowder after cooking.Chips, frozen Baking tray +greaseproof pa-per3 220 141 Spread out frozen chips well on thebaking tray.Goats' cheesewrapped in ba-conGlass trayorBaking tray2 220 8-10 Either goats' cheese or goats'camembert can be used.Goats' cheesewrapped in ba-conGlass trayorBaking tray3 220 8-10 Either goats' cheese or goats'camembert can be used.Goats' cheesewith honeyGlass trayorBaking tray2 200 8 Recipe tip: Drizzle lavender honeyover the goats' cheese or goats'camembert and sprinkle with pinenuts.Goats' cheesewith honeyGlass trayorBaking tray3 200 8 Recipe tip: Drizzle lavender honeyover the goats' cheese or goats'camembert and sprinkle with pinenuts.Meals1 Turn the food halfway through cooking.