en How it works36Food Accessory/cookwareLevel Temperat-ure in °CType ofheatingCookingtime inminsCommentsSpare ribs, pre-cookedWire rack + grilltray3 200-220 242Toast Hawaii Baking tray +greaseproof pa-per3 190 8-101Toasting bread Wire rack 3 200 2:30-3 Preheat for up to 5 minutes. Stayby the appliance so that the toastdoes not brown too much. Donot grill food with the oven dooropen.1 Brown to the level you require.2 Turn the food halfway through cooking.18.8 Baked itemsNote the recommended settings for baked items.¡ We recommend using dark-coloured metal bakingtins as these absorb heat more effectively. Place thebaking tin in the centre of the wire rack.¡ If you are baking tray bakes without greaseproof pa-per, lightly grease the baking tray beforehand.¡ Small baked items, e.g. cream puffs, biscuits andpuff pastry parcels, can be baked on 2 levels, 1+3.¡ If you are baking on more than one level, it is nor-mal for food on baking trays placed in the oven atthe same time to be ready at different times. Leavethe food on the baking trays lower down in the ovento cook for a little longer, or place them in the appli-ance earlier next time.¡ Before cutting the baked items, leave them to coolon a wire rack.¡ If the baked items are too dark on the bottom, placethem a level up and select a lower temperature.If the baked items are too dark on the top, placethem a level down, select a lower temperature andextend the baking time a little.¡ If the cake is too dry, set the temperature a littlehigher. If the cake remains uncooked in the middle,set a lower temperature.Baking times cannot be reduced by setting a highertemperature; it is better to set the temperature a littlelower.¡ If the cake collapses, use less liquid or set the tem-perature 10 °C lower. Do not open the oven doortoo soon.¡ If the cake only rises in the middle, grease the sidesof the baking tin.¡ Do not remove the biscuits from the baking tray;place the baking tray back into the hot oven for ashort period and remove the biscuits whilst they arestill hot.¡ If the cake does not come away from the tin whenyou are trying to turn it out, carefully slide a knifearound the sides to loosen it. Turn the cake tin up-side down again and cover it several times with acold, wet cloth. Next time, grease the tin well andsprinkle some bread crumbs into it.¡ Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for pre-cooked and frozen products, too.Baked itemsFood Accessory/cookwareLevel Temperat-ure in °CType ofheatingCookingtime inminsCommentsCakesApple pie,EN60350-1Springformcake tin, dia-meter 20 cm2 160 90-1051 Preheat.Apple pie,EN60350-1Springformcake tin, dia-meter 20 cm1 160 90-1001 Preheat.Sponge base Springform tin 2 150 40-45 Lightly grease the baking tray.Swiss roll Baking tray +greaseproof pa-per2 190 6 Turn out whilst still hot onto apiece of greaseproof papersprinkled with sugar, then roll up.1 Deactivate the "Rapid heating" function in the basic settings.→ "Basic settings", Page 172 Preheat the appliance to the specified temperature. Turn the temperature down to the second specified temperaturewhen placing the food in the oven.