ENGLISHOnce cup is filled, set coffee switch (2) ontopos “0”.The Gaggia machine is now ready to be used.NOTE: It may happen that the self-primingfeature of the pump fails to work temporarilydue to an air lock.In this case water does not flow from brewinghead (14), and the following procedure shouldbe followed:a) Place a small frothing pitcher or mug underthe steam nozzle (8).b) Turn the steam knob (7) counter-clockwiseto open the steam/hot water valve, and turnthe steam switch (4) and the hot water/brew(2) to “1” to activate the pump.c) Alter a few seconds, a steady stream ofwater will emerge from the steamnozzle.Allow about one cup of water to fillthe pitcher. Shut the steam/hot water valveand turn hot water/brew switch and thesteam switch (4) to “0”.The Gaggia machine is now ready to be used.d) NOTE: The temperature ready-light (3) willautomatically flash as the machine boilerheats.After switching on the machine for the firstcoffee, wait 6 minutes until the machine hasfully heated up, while for all subsequentcoffees the machine will be ready to use.Another feature of the machine is the “no-dripsystem”, eliminating most of dripping frombrewing head (14). After coffee brewing,however, a little dripping may occur due to wetcoffee grinds in the filter-holder.Important to know……1. The taste of your coffee depends on thecharacteristics of the beans from which it ismade, the type of bean, where it was grownand processed. The coffee beans that areroasted for a longer period of time and athigher temperatures will be much darker incolour.Darker beans will produce a richercup of coffee than the lightly-roasted beans.2. A variety of dark roasts are available fromwhich you can choose to brew your espres-so. Each of these roasts is a blend of coffeebeans that are roasted at a specific tempe-rature producing a specific type offlavour.There are decaffeinated beans thathave up to 98% of the caffeine contentremoved. The next time you purchase coffeefor your espresso maker, experiment withone of the many kinds of coffee being sold.You may just find that it tastes better thanthe blend you have been using.3. A fine “espresso grind” for pump-drivenmachines must be used. Be sure to ask forthis when buying coffee or when havingbeans ground. Do not use a blade-typegrinder because it makes too much coffeedust and produces an irregular grind.4. The mark of real espresso is its dark color,rich taste and the light brown, natural frothcalled “crema” in Italian.5. Cappuccino is simply a combination ofespresso and hot, frothy milk.Cappuccinois usually topped with cinnamon, nutmeg orcocoa powder.6. Espresso Coffee should be servedimmediately after it is made.7. Espresso is served in 2 to 2 ½ oz. demitassecups. A 4 or 6 oz. cup or glass is used forcappuccino8. Ideally, coffee beans should be groundimmediately before using. Remember, it mustbe an “espresso grind” for pump-driven es-presso machines.9. It’s best to store ground coffee or beans inan airtight container in the freezer of yourrefrigerator. Ground coffee tends to absorbfood odours.• 10 •Caution: Never operate pumpwithout water in machine as damageto the pump may occur.Damage ofpump run without water is not covered bywarranty.