Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Columbia 350/400190-00567-01 Rev. A 2-3SECTION 2FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS2.1 AIRSPEED INDICATORFigure 2-4 Airspeed IndicatorActualAirspeedAirspeedTrendVectorTrue Air-speedVspeedReferencesSpeedRangesSpeed IndicationThe indicated airspeed is displayed inside the blackpointer. The pointer will become red upon reaching Vne.At altitudes above 12,000 feet, Vno and Vne will vary withaltitude. Refer to the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM).Figure 2-5 Red Pointer at VNESpeed RangesThe color coded speed range strip denotes flapsoperating range, normal operating range, and never exceedspeed (Vne). A red range is also present for low speedawareness. At altitudes above 12,000 feet, caution andexcessive speed range markings will vary with altitude.Refer to the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for airspeedlimitations and indicator markings.Airspeed Trend VectorThe end of the trend vector displays approximatelywhat the airspeed will be in 6 seconds if the current rateof acceleration/deceleration is maintained.Vspeed ReferencesVspeed References are turned on or off in theTimer/References Window. Select the TMR/REF Softkeyto display the widow. When active (ON), the Vspeeds aredisplayed at their respective locations to the right of theairspeed scale. To activate the Vspeed References, displaythe Timer/Reference Window and turn the large FMSKnob to place the cursor in the ON/OFF field. Turn thesmall FMS Knob to select ON or OFF.