Garmin G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide for the Columbia 350/400190-00567-01 Rev. ASECTION 6 – AUTOMATICFLIGHT CONTROL6-25Intercepting a VOR RadialDuring climb-out, the autopilot continues to fly theaircraft in Heading Select Mode. Airway V4 to SalinaVOR (SLN) should now be intercepted. Since theenroute flight plan waypoints correspond to VORs, flightdirector Navigation Mode using either VOR or GPS as thenavigation source may be used. In this scenario, VORNavigation Mode is used for navigation to the first VORwaypoint in the flight plan.Intercepting a VOR radial:1) Arm VOR Navigation Mode:a) Tune the VOR frequency.b) Press the CDI Softkey to set the navigationsource to VOR.c) Use the CRS Knob to set the Selected Course to255°. Note that at this point, the flight directoris still in Heading Select Mode and the autopilotcontinues to fly 290°.03691215182124273033HDG Mode, VOR ArmedVOR NAV ModeV 4SalinaVOR(SLN)123Hdg290 o255 oFigure 6-31 Intercepting a VOR Radiald) Press the NAV Key. This arms VOR NavigationMode and the white ‘VOR’ annunciation appearsto the left of the active lateral mode.2) Once the flight director calculates the propercapture point, the flight director transitions fromHeading Select to VOR Navigation Mode and the‘VOR’ annunciation flashes green. The autopilotbegins turning to intercept the Selected Course.3) The autopilot continues the turn until the aircraftis established on the Selected Course.