Garmin G3X Touch Pilot’s Guide 190-01754-00 Rev. E180Hazard AvoidanceSystemOverviewFlightInstrumentsEISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeaturesAFCSAnnun/AlertsAppendixIndexTRAFFIC DESCRIPTIONADS-B traffic operation is similar to the TAS systems discussed previously, but ADS-Badds additional symbology. The symbols used to display ADS-B traffic are shown inthe table below. The traffic identifier and altitude are displayed below the traffic symbol. Asmall up or down arrow next to the traffic symbol indicates that the traffic is climbingor descending at a rate of at least 500 feet per minute. The vector line that extendsfrom the traffic symbol is an indication of the intruder aircraft track. For directionaltraffic symbols, the arrow head points in the direction of aircraft’s ground track.Symbol DescriptionNon-threat, non-directional airborne trafficNon-threat directional airborne Traffic with track vector. Points in thedirection of the aircraft track.Non-directional airborne Proximity Advisory (PA). Proximity Advisories areissued for any traffic within 6 nautical miles and +/- 1,200’.Directional airborne Proximity Advisory (PA) with track vector. Points in thedirection of the aircraft track. Proximity Advisories are issued for any trafficwithin 6 nautical miles and +/- 1,200’.Non-directional airborne Traffic Advisory (TA)Non-directional off-scale airborne Traffic Advisory (TA). Displayed at outerrange ring at proper bearing.Directional airborne Traffic Advisory (TA) with track vector. Points in thedirection of the aircraft track.Directional off-scale airborne Traffic Advisory (TA). Points in the direction ofthe aircraft track.*Ground traffic without directional information. Ground traffic is onlydisplayed when own aircraft is below 1,500 feet AGL or on the ground.