Garmin G3X Touch Pilot’s Guide190-01754-00 Rev. EAppendix A301SystemOverviewFlightInstruments EISCNSInterfaceGPSNavigationFlightPlanningHazardAvoidanceAdditionalFeatures AFCS Annun/Alerts Appendix IndexSECTION 11 APPENDICESAPPENDIX A: DATA FIELD OPTIONSDATA BAR FIELD OPTIONSData Bar Field DefinitionBRG - Bearing to Waypoint The compass direction from the present positionto the next waypoint.CLG - Climb Gradient Current climb gradient (climb rate divided bygroundspeed) in percent.CLM - Climb Gradient (ALT/NM) Current climb gradient (climb rate divided bygroundspeed) in altitude per nautical mile.CO -Carbon Monoxide (PPM) Displays current carbon monoxide level in partsper million. (Requires a CO Guardian unit)DA - Density Altitude Pressure Altitude adjusted for non-standardtemperature.DST - Distance to Waypoint The distance to the next waypoint in the ActiveFlight Plan.DTK - Desired Track The desired course between the active “from”and “to” waypoints.ECO - Fuel Economy This value is calculated by dividing the currentground speed by the current fuel flow.EDR - Fuel Endurance This value is obtained by dividing the amountof fuel on board by the current fuel flow(endurance to empty - no reserve included).ESA - En Route Safe Altitude The recommended minimum altitude within tenmiles left or right of the desired course on anactive flight plan or direct-to.ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival The estimated time at which the aircraft shouldreach the next waypoint, based upon currentground speed and track.