190-00303-05 GIA 63 Installation ManualRev. Y Page 1-23TSO-C169 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C169 to use DO-160E instead of DO-160D.2. Garmin was granted a deviation to TSO-C169, paragraph 4.d requirement to mark the installationprocedures drawing number on the equipment. Garmin will mark as follows, which Garmin believesmeets the intent of the requirement. The Install Manual is part of the furnished data package.TSO-C145aSee Install Manual for additional appliance approvals3. Garmin was granted a deviation to TSO-C169, paragraph 4.e requirement to mark (DEV) after theTSO number on the equipment. Garmin will mark as follows, as TSOC169 is not the primary TSOand the Install Manual contains all of the TSO-C169 information including deviations.TSO-C145aSee Install Manual for additional appliance approvals4. Garmin was granted to deviate from TSO-C169 by allowing a 6dB reduction of transmitter powerduring the Normal Operating Conditions – Emergency Operation Voltage as described in RTCAdocument DO-186a paragraph and RTCA document DO-160E paragraph 1-14. GIA 63W TSO/ETSO DeviationsTSO/ETSO Deviation