Page 1-22 GIA 63 Installation ManualRevision T 190-00303-051.6.6 GIA 63W Updated NAV/COM and GIA 63H TSO/ETSO DeviationsTSO/ETSO Deviation1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C9c to use SAE AS 402B instead of AS-402A.2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C9c to use DO-160E instead of specifiedenvironmental tests.3. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C9c subpart A (c), which requires markingthe weight of the unit on the unit. Garmin will provide this information in the installationmanual in lieu of marking on the serial tag. Garmin does not currently list the weight onother avionics units.4. Garmin was granted a deviation from SAE AS 402B paragraph 4.4.1 to limit autopilotengagement to attitudes considered safe for the certified aircraft.TSO-C9c5. Garmin was granted a deviation from SAE AS 402B paragraph 4.3.2 to not provideservo effort indications when the automatic pilot is not engaged.TSO-C34e 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C34e to use DO-160E instead of DO-160B,and DO-178B instead of DO-178A.TSO-C36e 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C36e to use DO-160E instead of DO-160B,and DO-178B instead of DO-178A.TSO-C40c 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C40c to use DO-160E instead of DO-160B,and DO-178B instead of DO-178A.1. Garmin was granted a deviation from SAE AS 8008 paragraph 3.6 to limit flight directoroperation to attitudes considered safe for the certified aircraft.TSO-C52b2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C52b to use DO-160E instead of DO-160C.The justification for this deviation is to use the latest accepted environmental standards.1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C92c to use DO-160E instead of DO-160C.TSO-C92c2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C92c to not include the version and levels ofsoftware or the modification status of hardware in the appliance number.1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C145a to use DO-160E instead of DO-160D.2. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C paragraphs,,,,,,,, and in the form ofan operational limitation to achieve an equivalent level of safety. This operational limitationapplies to the GIA63W or GIA 63H with GPS software version 2.40 or earlier, or GIA63Wor GIA 63H installations with certain models of GPS/WAAS antennas identified in Section2.1.3.2. The operational limitation is based on:1. The ability to use antennas that may not meet the minimum gain performancerequirements of DO-228.2. The ability to mitigate the effects of the different gain characteristics of thoseantennas by increasing the effective mask angle through operational limitations.3. The ability to further increase the effective mask angle, through operationallimitations, to a level commensurate with test conditions used in the original TSOqualification tests.4. The ability to use -128 dBmic as the minimum GPS satellite signal-in-space for thepurpose of assessing the operational limitation.5. The ability to use -128 dBmic as the minimum SBAS satellite signal-in-space forthe purpose of assessing the operational limitation.TSO-C145a3. Garmin was granted a deviation from RTCA/DO-229C paragraph to use a 20second satellite reacquisition time instead of a 10-second reacquisition time.1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C151b to use DO-160E instead of DO-160D.TSO-C151b2. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C151b 4.a. to mark the unit with the serialnumber instead of the date of manufacture.TSO-C169a 1. Garmin was granted a deviation from TSO-C169a paragraph 4.a.2 to allow the unit tobe permanently and legibly marked with a serial number and not the date of manufacture.DRAFT Rev T 11/12/2010