Navigation190-02207-02 Rev. 1 GPS 175/GNX 375 Pilot’s Guide 3 -3MapFEATURE REQUIREMENTS• Active GPS source (aircraft position symbol)• UAT receiver (FIS-B weather)FEATURE LIMITATIONSNEXRAD and terrain overlay functions are mutually exclusive. Enabling oneautomatically disables the other.1Aircraft SymbolDepicts current aircraft position and orientation.• Tip represents actual aircraft location• Symbol type is dependent upon configuration• Absent if a GPS source is not available2 Track VectorCurrent ground track indication.3 BasemapPresents a graphical depiction of land and water data.4User FieldCustomizable data field appearing in each corner of the map. By default,these display: distance, track, ground speed, and desired track5NAV Range RingDisplays current direction of travel on a rotating compass.Orientation: Magnetic northTo increase situational awareness, the Map page depicts theaircraft’s current position relative to land, aeronautical, weather,and traffic information.Map Page3879 146 52