98Section 4System OptionsInterface TabSerial Data FormatOptions MenuInterface Settings‘Interface’ SettingsThe ‘Interface’ Settings Page allows you to choose from 12 differentinput/output serial data formats, or none at all. This feature is used whenconnecting your unit to external NMEA devices, DGPS beacon receiver, apersonal computer, etc. It is necessary to have a working knowledge ofthese applications. Below is a description of each format:GARMIN - the proprietary format used to exchange waypoint, track,and map data with a PC.GARMIN DGPS - Allows DGPS input using a GARMIN beaconreceiver and a standard RTCM SC-104 format and DGPS tuning.NMEA - supports the input and output of standard NMEA 0183version 2.3 data.Text Out - allows simple ASCII text output of location and velocityinformation, without any input capabilities.RTCM In - allows DGPS input using a standard RTCM SC-104 formatwithout any output capabilities.RTCM In/NMEA Out - allows DGPS input using a standard RTCMSC-104 format and supports the output of standard NMEA 0183 ver-sion 2.3 data.RTCM In/Text Out - allows DGPS input using a standard RTCMSC-104 format and simple ASCII text output of location and velocityinformation.Modem - allows connection for data transmission using a PC. Refer toAppendix H on page 111.None - Provides no interfacing capabilities.The Baud rateoptions are select-able only for TextOut , RTCM In,and RCTM In/TextOut, Formatoptions.Beacon OptionsStatus, SMR, andDistance data isindependent ofmenus and is dis-played for onlycertain Serial DataFormat options.Frequency isselectable for onlycertain FormatsBit Rate is select-able for only cer-tain Formats.Select the desired Serial data Format from the list. If ‘GARMINDGPS’ or ‘RTCM In/NMEA Out’ format is selected, additional fieldsare provided to control a GARMIN differential beacon receiver (e.g.GBR 21) directly from your unit. Tuning is automatic with ‘Scan’ oryou can enter the beacon frequency and bit rate when you select‘User’ from the Beacon list to manually tune the receiver. For moreinformation, refer to instructions supplied with the beacon receiver.When selecting, ‘Text Out’, ‘RCTM In’, and ‘RTCM In/Text Out’formats, a Baud Rate field with a list of options will display.Section 5