29Section 3Handling A CallPhone OperationActive Calls for a Conference CallConference Calls1. When on an active call, highlight the Hold tab on the Call Page todisplay the Hold List.2. Press the on-screen ‘Join’ button to connect all callers on the Hold listto the conference call.3. To speak to an individual within the conference in private or to excludeany individual temporarily from the conversation; highlight the nameof the caller from the list of callers and press the ENTER key to displaya list of options that can be performed with that caller. To exclude thecaller temporarily from the conference, select ‘Hold’ and press ENTER.To speak with a caller in private, select ‘Private’ and press ENTER.4. To return to the regular conference mode, return to the Hold List andpress the on-screen ‘Join’ button.5. To end a conference call, press the END key.Sending an Incoming Call to your Voice MailboxIf you have voice mail service, any unanswered call will be for-warded to your voice mailbox. However, when you are using CLIP(Caller Line Identification Presentation), the name of the caller will bedisplayed on the Incoming Call Page. If you do not want to talk to thecaller at this time and would rather send the call directly to your voicemailbox, follow the instructions below.Highlight the on-screen ‘End’ button and press ENTER or press theEND key to send the call to your voice mailbox.Forwarding A Call to Voice MailCalls on Hold ListActive CallOptions MenuIndividual CallerOptions Menu