34Section 3 My Phone NumbersContacts offers an option for recording your phone numbers forreference. The My Phone Numbers List will hold two numbers (often abusiness number and a personal number or two separate numbers fortwo different users of the same unit).To place numbers in Contacts ‘My Phone Numbers’ List:1. With Contacts page displayed press the MENU key to display theOptions Menu.2. Use the ARROW key to highlight the ‘View My Phone #’s’ option andpress ENTER to display the ‘My Phone Numbers’ page. The fi rst entryfi eld will be highlighted.3. Press ENTER to display the Entry Options Menu and observe the list ofoptions; Edit Name, Edit Number, Save to Phonebook, and Delete.4. Select Edit Name and press ENTER to begin entry of a name by usingthe KEYPAD keys. Press ENTER when entry is completed to returnto the entry fi eld.5. Press ENTER again to display the option menu. Highlight ‘Edit Number’and press ENTER to display the number entry page. Use the KEYPADkeys to enter the desired phone number and press ENTER when finished.6. To save the newly entered Name and Number to Contacts, pressENTER to display the Options Menu again, select ‘Save To Phonebook’and press ENTER.7. To delete a Name and Number, press ENTER to display the OptionsMenu, select ‘Delete’, press ENTER, select ‘Yes’ from the Delete promptand press ENTER.My Phone No’s.Enter up to twouser Phone NumbersPhone OperationUsing ContactsUse the Edit Nameand Edit Numberoptions to changeboth the name andnumber of an entry.Page Options MenuEntry Options MenuSave a number toContacts by pressingENTER with this optionhighlightedSave as First Name oras Last NameTo automate dialling of numbers with extensions, pass codes,etc., you can enter Dial Strings that include DTMF Tones and 5second pauses for recorded messages, connection delays, etc.When entering a phone number in any directory: Contacts, FixedDialling, Speed Dialling, etc., press and hold the # key while pressingthe 7 key to enter a 5 second pause (p) in the dialling sequence.You can place as many pauses as required to allow for recordedmessages to complete before the next number sequence is dialled. Itis recommended that you do not record bank account PIN’s or creditcard numbers for reasons of security.Entering Dial Strings with (DTMF) Dual ToneMulti-Frequency Tones .Delete Prompt