7Getting StartedSection 2The Quick Set List of OptionsKeyguard On message appears whenever a key is pressed.GPS On and Off MessagesThe Mark Waypoint PageKeyguard“Pop-Up”WindowPress and Hold theCLEAR key to DisableUsing the ‘Quick Set’ FeatureThe Quick Set feature allows you to quickly activate some basic opera-tional characteristics of your unit such as Keyguard, Profiles (unit ringervolume and call answer modes), GPS On/Off, and Mark Waypoint features.Using the Keyguard FeatureThe ‘Keyguard’ feature allows you to lock the keypad to preventinadvertent pressing of a key while the unit is in your pocket, purse, etc.This prevents accidental placement of one keypress dialling options suchas speed dial and emergency dialling. Press and Hold the ENTER keyto display the Quick Set Menu, use the ARROW key to highlight the‘Keyguard’ option and press ENTER again to activate this feature. When‘Keyguard’ is operational, a message will appear each time a key press isattempted. Press and Hold the CLEAR key to cancel ‘Keyguard’. Incom-ing calls and messages will temporarily unlock the keypad.Synchronizing Contact Data (Begin Sync)(Applies only to units provided with the Intellisync for GARMIN CD-ROM)To begin synchronizing PC contact program data using Intellisync forGARMIN, highlight this option and press ENTER. Refer to page 109.Turning the GPS Receiver On or OffTo turn the GPS receiver On or Off, highlight the GPS Off/On optionand press ENTER. When On the receiver will significantly reduce thebattery reserve. When Off, it will allow extended battery use.Marking Your Current Location (Mark Waypoint)The Mark Waypoint feature allows you retain a record of your cur-rent location and save it as a waypoint which can be used as a destina-tion when creating a route. Highlight the Mark Waypoint option andpress ENTER to display the Mark Waypoint page. Use the ARROW keyto highlight the ‘OK’ button and press ENTER to save the waypoint.Refer to page 87 for more information.Using the ‘Quick Set’ Feature‘Mark Waypoint’Option will appeargray if GPS is notactive or searchingfor satellites.