42 Trail Guide ™ Owner’s ManualENU NDERSTANDING GPS > THE GPS INFORMATION PAGEA signal strength bar appears for each satellite in view; thesatellite’s number (1–33) appears to the left of each bar. Theprogress of satellite acquisition is shown in three stages:• No signal strength bar—the GPS receiver is looking forthe satellite indicated. The corresponding number on the skyview is not highlighted.• Hollow signal strength bar—the GPS receiver has foundthe satellite and is collecting data. The correspondingnumber on the sky view is not highlighted.• Solid signal strength bar—the GPS receiver has collectedthe necessary data and the satellite is ready for use. Thecorresponding number on the sky view is highlighted.SatellitesSky viewSignalstrengthbarsSatellitestatus barAfter a fix has been calculated, the Trail Guide updates yourlocation and ground speed by selecting and using the best satellitesin view.Sky View and Signal Strength BarsThe sky view and signal strength bars indicate which satellites arecurrently visible and which satellites are being used to calculatea position fix. The signal strength bars also indicate the quality ofeach satellite signal.The sky view provides a “bird’s eye” view of each satelliteposition relative to your unit’s last known location. The outer circlerepresents the horizon and shows cardinal heading references. Theinner circle represents an elevation of 45° above the horizon. Anysatellite depicted near the center is directly overhead.You can set the sky view to Track Upinstead of North Up orientation. Track Upcauses the top of the sky view to align toyour current direction of travel. To changeto Track Up, press MENU while on the GPSInfo page. Then select Skyview Track Up.Press MENU again and then select SkyviewNorth Up to change the orientation back toNorth Up.When the Sky View isshown in North Up, thered circle indicates yourdirection of travel.