2 Trail Guide ™ Owner’s ManualENGETTING STARTED > TUTORIALTutorialThis tutorial guides you through the steps for finding a restaurantin your area and then creating a route to it. If you have never useda GPS unit before, try this simple task. You will see that using yourTrail Guide is fast and easy.Make certain the antenna is unobstructed as it looks for satellites.For example, it cannot establish a satellite fix if your vehicle isparked in a garage. Position the antenna so that it is parallel tothe surface of the road so that it can have the best view of the sky.Step 1: If you have not already done so, flip up the antenna andsnap your Trail Guide into the vehicle mount. See page 4 if youneed additional instructions. Turn on the Trail Guide. When theunit has established a satellite fix, it displays a “Ready to Navigate”message.Step 2: Press the FIND key. The Find Menu appears. Highlight theFood & Drink icon located in the Find Menu and press theOK key.FIND keyRocker padOK keyStep 3: A list of restaurants in your area appears on a page similarto the one shown below. Use the Rocker pad to highlight arestaurant in the list. Then press the OK key.Use the Rocker pad tohighlight a restaurant.Map page